me, you and your friend Steve

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(I'm tellig y'all already, I'm sorry but also not really)

Walking the stairs of her apartment after a long day of work she heard noises, laughters. Opening the door, she sees her sweet boyfriend of two years with his best friend on the cough, laughing and drinking beer.

"Hey honey," She gave him a kiss on the lips, but he pulled away, qickly. "Steve." A quick nod only to his direction.

"Hayia Spencer." Steve greeted, taking his eyes of Toby, finally. "How was work?"

"Exhausting." She answered quickly, putting her bag next to the caugh and walking toward the kitchen. "I see you guys ate already, still hungry?" She said with a heavy sight, seeing the messy table.

"No, Spence, but thanks." Toby answered, but he was still looking at Steve, but with something in his eyes that she has seen before, not at her though, well not anymore.

Spencer knew what it was, and it hurts, it feels like someone keeps hitting her heart with a hammer. She had asked Toby, if he was what she thought he was, but he denied, even after she told him it was okay, that she wouldn't hate him or anything, that it was okay, that he has nothing to be scared of.

Turning away, hoping the tears were unnoticed by the guys, she started cleaning the table.

With a quick glance at Toby again, Steve stood up, patting his hands on his legs, "Well, I think it's time for me to leave, see ya later guys."

Steve was handsome, no one could deny that. His beautiful green eyes, dark coloured skin, his hair always perfectly in curls. He has a little beard, but his face is always clean and soft.

Toby saw that too, of course, he wasn't blind. Everytime he sees Steve, his heart makes little flips and he can't take his ocean, blue eyes off of him.

He's scared, he loves Spencer, but Steve? He doesn't know and he hates it, he hates how he feels, not because Steve is a guy, but because he feels like he's cheating on Spencer. It's not fair for her, being in a relationship where the love isn't even where the love was limerence.

The thing is, he knows it's okay, to be who he really is, and he knows Spencer knows it too, he knows she won't be mad, hate him, or not accept him for who he is. He just doesn't have it in him to hurt her, to break up with her.

Toby has known Steve since he started working as a cop, one year ago, and knew Steve would be more than just a co-worker or a friend to him.

"Spencer?" Toby asked, walking to her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Yeah?" She answered quiet, leaning her head to the left when Toby started to kiss feathery kisses on the side of her neck.

"I love you." He whispered, biting her earlobe.

Spencer squeezed her eyes shut and whispered, " Do you really love me, or are you trying to convince yourself that you love me."

Toby stopped kissing her, his hands falling to his sides. He shook his head in confusion when she turned around to face him.

"What in hell is that supposed to mean? Of course I love you, and I know I love you. I don't need to try to make me believe it." And it's true, every word that passed his lips were true, but it wasn't just the same love anymore.

"Are you sure? Or is it limerence?" She asked, a little louder than she normally spoke, but wouldn't be counted as yelling.

"I-" He stopped himself, closing his eyes, taking a deep breath, "N-"

This time he was interrupted by Spencer, "Are in you in love with Steve?" It didn't soud loud, it didn't sound mad.

"I-I don't know." It was really low said, barely even hearable.

"You know, it would have been a lit easier if you had told me in the beginning that you started to have  feelings for Steve, romantic feelings. I'm not mad that you do have feelings for him, believe me, I'm mad that you always denied when I asked you. I don't care if Steve is a guy and you should know that I'm not an asshole that won't accept you or love you or support you, no I'm a woman that support and love anyone who deserves to be loved and supported. I love you, Toby, so much. And I'm ending this relationship, so that you can be who you really are and want to be, so that I don't keep you unhappy and caged. Please, go to Steve and be who you really want to be."

At the end, both Spencer and toby were in tears. Toby put his big hands on Spencer's face, whipping her tears, then kissing her on the forehead and hugged her real tight.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I know." He smiled and pulled away.

"Come on big boy, go get him." She smiled.

Toby walked to the closed door, opening it ajar when Spencer called him. "Yes?"

"Go get your man, shoo shoo."

Toby came out as bisexual a few weeks later. Everyone was so proud of him, so happy for him. Then after tree months, Toby and Steve became the most beautiful, powerful and inseparable couple. The love for each other was so strong, so powerful, so beautiful.

Spencer was happy for them, she really was. They stayed friends, hung out a couple of times a week and it never was awkward, well maybe the first times it were, but right now? She wouldn't change a thing. She's so happy for both of them and she's happy they broke up, her and Toby, so that he could be who he really is.

Couple of years later, Toby and Steve got married and adobted a little Japanees girl who was 5, wasn't easy but it was worth it.

Spencer, who came out as pansexual a few months after Toby coming out, got married too with someone named Audrey, 'they are beautiful' is always Spencer's thoughts when seeing them. She's in love with Audrey and nothing could ever change that.

Sure, Spencer and Toby still love each other, would always be there for each other and all, but they are happier as best friends.

Sooo I was supposed to post this in June (pride month) but totally forgot, sooo happy late pride month :))

And I'm really sorry for the reallyyy long wait, I'm currently writing this one shot in the car, on my way to Trabzon (Turkey) and finished writing this in like 30 minutes sooo yeahhh and will be posted late August because i don't have wifi.

Oh and if u didn't get it from where I got the idea from, it's from the song 'Me, You And Your Friend Steve' when I was watching a short video of Destiel (Dean x Castiel ~ Supernatural)

And this is a little note to anyone who is in the closet, or not, or confused or anything. You matter, don't listen to people who tell you that it's just a phase, and if it really is, it's okay. We care about you, support you and love you.

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