The Council, the Alpha, and Every Other Werewolf out there.. can BITE ME

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Aaron's POV:

The feel of the wind rushing through my fur was enough to almost drive me over the edge. The adrenaline pumping through my veins, each of my paws pounding against the ground sent a jolt of energy coursing through me.

Nothing can compare to the way this drives me. I haven't felt this feeling since I was young, or even when I left my old pack and went rogue...they didn't take that very well. Even as I ran I recalled the memory of them chasing after me, but its not like they could've caught me or anything. I was too fast for those brain dead wolves, but not just because they were idiots who would jump off a bridge if the alpha told them to, no no no it was because I was different.

I am a fox

I wouldn't call myself the strongest human/fox thing in the world, but what I lacked in strength I made up for in speed. My slender figure made it easy to move around obstacles and hide. How I managed to become undetectable even with my bright orangey reddish fur I'll never know. Wolves be all jelly of my agileness! So to make the story short I was able to outrun and outsmart them and that's how I ended up here, running in this forest for the past few days. But I suppose I can't complain and I know that I'll never let them catch me.

Never again


Ohhhh mornings oh dear mornings when did you become so cruel. The rising sun led to nothing more then a pounding headache in the back of my skull. Damn it I knew I shouldn't of stayed up so late hunting especially since all the deer decided to just disappear.


Hm? I stared at my laying front paws. I must've forgotten to shift back last night. Looks like exhausted me had a shining moment, staying in human form wouldn't of kept me so comfy cozy in this cold weather. Nevertheless I stood, lazily of course, before outstretching my front paws and emitting a yawn I most likely didn't earn.

Damn you February weather why can't it be warm already! I've only been here for a few days and already its almost froze my balls off and I don't know if you guys noticed, but I kinda need those. If it wasn't for the unfortunately loud growls coming from my stomach I could've ranted all day, but my stomach obviously knew what was best.

Hmmm I don't usually hunt this early in the morning, or at least I'm pretty sure its like clock out here. Sniffing the air faintly I took off further into the woods detecting faint heartbeats of deer off in the distance. 'That's strange,' I thought 'They seem to be pulsating at a higher rate then normal.' "Damn deer control your heartbeat" Grumbling to myself won't do me any good. I wonder whats gotten them so worked up? Sigh, I swear these deer are going to be the death of me. 

Who would've thought I'd be right.


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