The Council, the Alpha, and Everyother Werewolf out there.. can BITE ME chpt 4

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That's a picture of the field i just wanted to put that in there ---->


Aaron's POV

Am I just inept or does running in the complete opposite direction that I'm going in count as a skill? Granted I walked into danger the first time, but you get the gist. I could've ran in any other direction, but nooo I picked the one that gets me lost the entire night. Yes, I know what you're thinking, "It was literally still light out when you fought that guy how did you end up lost"

The answer ... very easily.

Frankly it wouldn't of been so bad if I hadn't ended up sleeping in the desolate part of the woods. I mean I wasn't scared or anything it's just...trees look like monsters.. during the.. night...don't judge me.

Albeit somewhat defeated I gave one final huff as I finally made my way to an open field. Cool that only took you what? Five THOUSAND years to make your way back in the RIGHT direction? Bravo you-

I cut myself off once I saw the sight of something that could only be described as beautiful 

A deer

"Oh sweet mercy," As if I couldn't get any more dramatic, I could almost feel a single tear roll down my face. "It's so beautiful." 

My stomach growled in anticipation and I didn't even hesitate as I ran after the beloved deer. With every twist and turn its tail was just barely out of reach and I almost had it to. Almost being the key word. What I ended up with was a face full of dirt as it juked me out the last second leaving me sprawled on my face.

I really hate deer

"Ok...ow" All I wanted to do then was grumble, be angry, maybe kick some flowers and call it a day. But then through muffled ears a faint chuckle made its way and I would soon learn that noise would be added to the list of the most irritating sounds in history. I almost didn't even need to look up to know who it was. One visit is apparently all it takes to engrave the sound of  an annoying wolf into my brain that it would've almost been rude of me to forget him. I brought myself back up to all fours, shaking the remnants of whatever bits of nature were left on my face. 

"Ah it's you what an unfortunate surprise," Blunt rudeness hopefully does the trick. I swiped my paw against my face, hoping to rid myself of any leftover fragments of nature that I damn well wasn't saving for later. " As much as I love the company you're messing with the feng shui of my new garden that I was obviously renovating"

He was unfazed and only really seemed amused at me. That little glint of amusement in those green eyes now turned back to his once serious expression. You know, it's a shame for such pretty green eyes to be wasted upon such a jerk. 

Wait... I mean like pretty as in there shiny not like pretty as in HE'S pretty because I don't even know what he looks like and I don't CARE....

"It has great potential," There was something unsettling about that smile of his and hearing his voice for the first time wasn't something I wanted to get used to. "but unfortunately you won't be needing it any further. I'm going to need you to come with me." Demanding doesn't even cover the tone of voice that came out of his mouth. 

""  Weirdly, I tried to make my way around him but he stepped in front of me, blocking my path and proceeded to glare at me. "Listen we're at the tally mark of TWICE meeting one another and until you reach at least 5 tally's you are a stranger and therefore danger. You ever heard of it? It rhymes for a reason." 

"Unfortunately for you it's not a matter of asking. To keep the conversation clear you're not where you're supposed to be and which case you'll be coming with me." Somehow he assumed I'd cower in the face of confusion because that definitely could've been explained further. He even decided to turn his back to me nudge his head in some random direction as if that was going to persuade me to go on a stroll with a fluffy dog. "Listen I know you want to go on a walk but I left my leash at home, " I snickered when his eyes waivered just ever so slightly. "And last time I checked this is not how you convince someone to willingly be kidnapped" Now if foxes had eyebrows one would definitely be raised. What a nice addition to my day. "Basically you could've at least thrown a please in there but nonetheless fuck off" 

I walked around him again chuckling softly, the sound of an irritated growl escaped his lips as I walked away, but then other growls caught my attention. Looking back, I only saw him standing there growling faintly but also..smirking? Why the fuck is he smirking?


I turned around and almost jumped a foot in the air at the two wolves placed in front of me, growling and taking slow steps in my direction. I glared as I glanced back once more at the alpha, catching the sight of another wolf perusing themselves in a way that surrounds me.


I need to get my senses fixed or something because I have got to stop not noticing when wolves are around. I growled and snapped at them, very close to biting the head off a very smug looking alpha. "I will not ask again," He voice calm but satisfied as his team slowly diminishes the space between myself and them. Even though anger was an obvious feeling, fear was starting to creep its way into me. I've done this dance time and time again and will not be surrounded, beaten, and-

Fight, fight til your lungs stop breathing

Closing my eyes I breathed harshly, those words nothing more than an echo as I spoke.

"I thought you didn't ask the first time?" 

With an exhale I opened my eyes slowly, with all my might I launched myself at the first thing I saw. The Alpha.


*Hides behind tree* Oh this is gonna be good!

*Grabs popcorn randomly from a hole in the tree, opens it quickly* hehehe

*Wolves stop attacking the fox and look in my direction* O.O *Reaches into popcorn bag and eats popcorn slowly*

*The biggest one takes a step towards me*

*Freezes mid popcorn to my mouth* Maybe he'll think I'm a tree..

Nick: We know you're not a tree..

O.O *Starts eating popcorn slowly again*

Nick: Get. Out.

*Freezes, then throws popcorn in the air*

I AM A TREE *Runs off*

Logan: That was..odd?

Seth: I'll say

The Council, the Alpha, and Everyother Werewolf out there.. can BITE MEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora