The Council, the Alpha, and Every Other Werewolf out there.. can BITE ME chpt 8

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Hey guys sorry Wattpad has been being weird for me but it's all good now :D

That is a picture of Alyssa or "Rox" I originally had a different one for her but I lost the link so...whatever If you squint one eye she could totally pull of a Rox look.

- - - - - - - > Alyssa aka ''Rox"

Nick's POV:

"You want to fight me..?" I only answered with a nod, a small but eager smile formed across my lips. He of course, only rolled his eyes.

"Typical werewolf response," He may of been being sarcastic, but that hint of excitement was loud and clear. Good to know trying to beat me up gets you excited..I'm sure other things about me would get you-


I shook my head in my mind and could almost feel my brain bounce against my skull, and all too quickly I spoke in a smug tone.

"Now" Unfortunately, the word was left jagged with a low growl sound that I didn't even bother to hide. I may be the Alpha, but I'll learn to stay calm when he learns to keep his fucking mouth shut. My it's anger he wants, this time, it's anger he'll get.

"Alright then dog breath where at?" Dog breath how...original. Why do you have to be so annoying...and adorable...annoyingly adorable. Fuck. No remember what he's doing.. and what he said, I want this wound to burn...

"The same field we kicked your ass in" It was supposed to feel satisfying, but I knew it wouldn't. I just felt bad. He fought hard in that field and it's not like he even had a chance. I don't want my mate to feel shame or pain, but maybe he'll think of it as a learning experience...or not. And maybe I'll learn to never space out and take my eyes off of an overly pissed fox because, in a second, his fist could come flying towards your face. I shot my head back in time but my shocked eye's took it all in even as I stumbled ungracefully backwards. Nonetheless, I could still make out the feel of his fist brushing against my nose and small tingles that shot thought it.


"YOU didn't do anything, THEY were the one's that kicked my ass after YOU ordered them to" His fist were completely balled at his sides, shaking slightly with the anger he was trying so desperately to control. "You just stood by and watched..." His trademark glare was already back. "It wasn't even a fair fight! 3 to 1? Oooo tough shits"

Maybe if I was as angry as him I wouldn't of caught the small embarrassing blush he had when I brought it up. But even so if I wasn't glaring then, I was now. He will never understand what it was like to watch them completely... destroy him.. right in front of me. All I wanted to do was tear them apart, and it took a lot from me to stop myself from bearing my teeth into their necks! They are my friends ..and if they knew he was mine they would of been easier... but that's how bad it was, and I wish you knew that.

"We wouldn't of had to resort to that if you had acted maturely instead of being so stubborn," His eyes narrowed but I just scowled in return. "It's not like we were planning on dragging you by your tail to the councils at least, I carried you on my back for Christ sake! Being an Alpha that would be below my ranks, maybe next time I'll mind my generosity"

He snorted, "Your joking right? You 'generously' carried me to hell! Maybe if this happens again I'll get lucky and swan dive your face into the ground!" His growls were getting louder by the second, my muscles reflexively tensed. "You might as well of had one of your 'friends' carry me, maybe if I had jumped off of their faces it would of snapped them out of their stupidity!"

Maybe it was the already hot adrenaline pumping through my veins that made me act the way I did. Maybe it was the emotional overload that made me growl so loudly that even he noticeably twitched. How dare he even THINK of one of my friends touching him, let alone anyone at all.

The Council, the Alpha, and Everyother Werewolf out there.. can BITE MEWhere stories live. Discover now