The Council, the Alpha, and Every Other Werewolf out there..can BITE ME chpt 9

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Ok guys I know its been forever but I've decided to start writing again after seeing the comments. It's kind of nice knowing that people actually enjoy this enough that they ask to continue it. I'm going to skip whatever typical sappy thing people normally say and just go with thanks people.

Yup still as smooth as ever

(By the way I have more to this I just have to type it up)


Aaron's POV:

I wonder if the earth was pissed because I kept stomping holes into it, or if their home would burst into flames if I stared with juuussstt the right amount of hatred. Be that as it may it stayed perfectly intact as we drew closer, not even so much as a flicker to help ease this bursted bubble. I was greeted by two lone white chairs that sat undisturbed on the patio, but it must've been the way they were looking at me because they were just calling my name.

I sat roughly on the one furthest from the door, fuming as the wickered frame stretched with the abrupt weight. It's not like I'm going inside anyway. White knuckled hands found themselves tucked underneath my chin with my elbows positioned on top of my knees. I glared at the ground in hopes that maybe a spark might form if I tried hard enough. Unfortunately, concentrating deemed to be too difficult when all you here is the ongoing sound of crunching leaves. That approaching sound felt loud against my ears and it was starting to give me a headache. Feeling their stares as they went inside didn't do much help either. The thought of the smirks and even the disappointment that I'm still here only made me grit my teeth.

Let's try NOT to snap are jaw in half mkay

Shut up me. I gave up trying to glare the patio floor into submission. Apparently hoping for fire is too much to ask. So I just looked up and glared at the entrance to home. I snorted and smiled a little. To call a scary, dark, and muggy forest home? How sad is that? Home is just home I guess. MANLY.

I would of continued on with my manly thoughts if something hadn't decided to interrupt them. I didn't catch it at first, but then it happened again. It almost sounded like a click, but a really hesitant click. Somehow my brain didn't comprehend that it just might be the front door.

My glare was back again. I didn't even bother looking to see who it was. I'm in no mood to see that stupid smug face of his, it's not going to be my fault if he doesn't have teeth anymore. I waited, but nothing came. 'I swear to God if he's naked and this is some sick joke I'm going to-'


Did I punched him in his vocal or something because I don't remember his voice being so high. I kept my glare and half glanced over. I was defiantly surprised to find that red headed chick standing there. Her? What was her name? Raven, Rock, ...? Whatever, why is she out here anyway? We just stared at each other, or half stared for me, for a while. I quickly won that staring contest because after a while she shot her gaze downward. It didn't take long for her to look back up though, the subtle glint of what looked liked determination seemed to glaze over her eyes. My eyebrow just kinda raised in confusion, and then it hit me.

Oh no

I focused straight ahead again and my eyes narrowed just a bit. Maybe If I ignore her she'll get the fucking picture and crawl back into the clutches of her baby fox murdering boyfriend. I was hoping for the click of the front door again. Instead the only sound I got was the slight stretch of a basket weaved chair.

What was I thinking? If even ignoring someone in movies doesn't work why would it work in real life.

"I know you're not very fond of me, but I just wanted to make sure you were, uhm, ok?"

The Council, the Alpha, and Everyother Werewolf out there.. can BITE MEWhere stories live. Discover now