The Council, the Alpha, and Every Other Werewolf out there.. can BITE ME- chpt 2

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This chapter is like waaayyy longer then it needs to be, but hell it just is. You guys know how it is you have to get past the boring beginning so from here on out things will be moving a lot faster just had to get this long beginning out of the way.

Just so you guys have an idea that's what Aaron looks like :D - - - - - - - - - - ->


I stood there towering over the severed deer, its blood oozing from my jowls.

Licking around my lips I felt the tang taste of blood trickle down my throat. My pulse spiking immediately and I couldn't help that aching feeling of wanting  to feel that rush once more. Closing my eyes I inhaled and exhaled deeply, opening them up with a frown already set on my face. I never liked killing and deer were the only animals I really did go after. My large size calls for more then just mice and rabbits. That's why I mainly hunted at night. Never having to truly see the horror on their faces, just the deafening sound of an over pulsating heart...then nothing at all. As sadistic as it sounds I did like the chase. It gave me the same adrenaline pumping substance that running free gave me. Just the fact that I was the chaser and not the chasey made it even more mouth watering.

With some level of satisfaction I stood, planning to head back off into the direction of what I'd like to call my "Temporary Squatters Spot", but something in particular caught my attention. It was faint but I heard something off into the distance, a sound I couldn't quite place.  To venture or not to venture? That is the question. Well, a question that got immediately answered as soon as I started to follow this new scent throughout the woods.

Now I know what you're thinking "A strange sound emits from the woods?? And you're...following it? Maayybbee we should make better life choices" Now don't get me wrong I'm not an idiot my unfortunate impulsive nature happens to get in the way from time to time. I like to think I'm not the stereotypical blonde in movies that walks down into the creepy dark basement, investigating a weird noise after everything might as well have literally gone to shit. I mean let's be real here the murderer isn't going to announce their presence with balloons and an invitation for dinner. Oh no you just flick the switch and the only thing they'll be serving you is a hatchet to the face. So with that a "Selective Opportunist" is the excuse I'm going with while I go on this little journey.

With every step the scent grew stronger. I really shouldn't be doing this, but whatever this is just smells so...welcoming. It's even somehow making me feel kind of warm. It wasn't long before I found out what this comforting scent was.

Among an array of fallen leaves, and a semi rotted tree that must've collapsed ages ago, an ordinary fox was nestled against it. I would've been more annoyed if I wasn't genuinely curious as to why it was giving off such an odd scent. There wasn't any obvious sign of injury, yet she seemed to be out of breath. I took a step forward whilst taking cover behind a still standing tree. Weirdly enough other vague sounds started to come into play. 

Without the immediate sense that she's in danger I couldn't help but feel I was invading on something I shouldn't, but still I crept closer knowing I couldn't satisfy my curiosity without at least making sure she was alright. This fox must be extremely distracted to not of acknowledged my presence at this point, yet with one quick glance my heart gave a tug at the reason why. Three small pups were curled into her. Her gaze never leaving the view of her young ones as she absentmindedly comforts them by cleaning them gently. From the looks of it she couldn't of given birth  more then minutes ago. 'Someone didn't make it to the den in time' I thought. My heart gave a solemn tug of its own, memories from my own family tried to make there way before I pushed them back down. I miss them.



Reality crashed down on me as my ears perked up, I only had to look over a tad to see the sight of a grey wolf walking slowly toward the mother fox. My eyes widened, never leaving the wolf as it moved even slower towards her and her defenseless cubs. I tore my gaze quickly from the wolf and placed it on the resting fox. Why is she just laying there? Does she not sense him? Are you stupid or something?!

He was getting close, too close for my comfort and my could feel my blood start to boil. No! Looking up, I noticed a high thick branch that could easily hold my weight, and an idea sparked in my head. I backed up, ran towards it, jumped on that branch and shot down towards him like a speeding bullet. He was only a few yards away when I tackled him, we were both sent sprawling across the ground. His back collided with the fallen tree letting a pain filled yelp fill the air. Landing on my side, I rolled back on all fours and stood firmly in front of the fox. While I had the chance I looked back at her, the poor thing stared fearfully probably worried for the sake of her pups who were completely oblivious to the world around them.

How lucky they were

As I watched them sadly, the rustle of leaves brought my attention in front of me once more. It shook its head as it got back up preparing to attack me, but the only thing on its face was a very shocked expression.

Jeez, you think this guy has never seen a giant fox before.

Oh wait...

Oh yeah remember this people it's not like we're normal sized animals we're like huge! Think of the wolves from twilight and bam there ya go.

His once awe stricken face was switched with anger once he realized what I just did. He started to take a dangerous step towards me, but before he even touched the ground the sound of a crisp growl broke contact. Both of us, including the mother fox, looked up at the strange noise, only to find four wolves atop the hill in front of us. I wouldn't say that I didn't feel slightly intimidated by the number, but the account for my speed reminded me I could easily out run if needed, as long as the mother fox was safe. His pack glided down the hill and the grey wolf started growling again, feeling more confident now that his buddies were here. Feeling brave he started snarling at me, but it was cut off by an even deeper snarl behind the four wolves. They split into two to let a large solid black wolf walk up and stand beside the grey one. He growled low at the grey wolf and the grey one only glared in response, but another growl seemed to tell him otherwise.

He glanced at me once before shifting back towards the others. Using the opportunity, I glanced back at the fearful fox stirring nervously at the scene in front of her. With a quick gruff I caught her attention and nodded towards her den. As if being knocked out of a trance she gave what looked like a nod, grabbed her pups carefully in her mouth, and leaped inside her den safe and sound. Sighing happily I turned back to them and my anger came coursing back. The black one had to be the alpha with the power radiating off of him plus he was somewhat bigger then the others.

He glared at me and took a step forward, I cut him off with a sharp growl and he froze for a second. His bright green eyes shocked by my action, but they turned instantly into a cold glare. I shot it right back, what? Did he expect me to obey him or something? Do I look like I'm in your pack, pfft, even if I was I wouldn't listen to this asshole. Oh look at me! I'm abnormally larger then most FEAR ME.

Rolling my eyes I decided to just leave. Why would I stay anyway? I turned around and started briskly walking away from the stunned and angry werewolf. That might of been a bad idea on my part.

Within seconds I was on the ground and trapped under a very pissed off Alpha. He was fuming so much that I couldn't help but laugh even in a situation like this. He made me think of those angry cartoon characters, you know, the ones with steam coming out of their ears. I laughed in my head and I guess I must of laughed out loud to because he was looking at me oddly. Realizing the situation I was in, I took the opportunity to squirm out from under him and quickly, but awkwardly, kick him in the jaw. Then I ran, ran as fast as my legs could take me, but just imagining the sight of his face made me laugh. From now on no more hunting during the day.

The Council, the Alpha, and Everyother Werewolf out there.. can BITE MEWhere stories live. Discover now