Chapter 12 - A Would-be Murderer

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The fair was a washout. A complete and utter washout. In more senses than one, I was dripping wet from the rain. I wrung out my hair over the bath and watched the water drip mesmerisingly . It was late-ish, but I wasn't tired. I decided to do some snooping.

I opened the door of my room and peeked out. All was quiet. I stepped out and closed the door behind me. Right, where to start? I tiptoed a few steps along the corridor. A slight breeze lifted my hair and I shivered. I looked along the corridor and saw that there was a window open at the end. White gauze curtains lifted in the breeze and danced about. Now that was odd. Who would leave a window open on such a cold night? I walked over to it and pushed it shut. I was about to continue my walking when I notice a muddy footprint beneath the window on the cold marble floor.

The hairs on the back of my neck prickled. I turned around.


Relaxing, I continued walking. There had to be some offices in this place that I could sneak into. Or maybe some conversations to eavesdrop on? I shrugged. I needed to find out about the Mirror Maze and also delve into whatever the hell Aaron was up to. He was a nice guy, but something was up with him.

I heard a thump behind me, like footsteps. I swung around. No one. I had to stop imagining things. I scanned the hallway before turning back around right into the arms of my would be murderer.

I jumped a foot into the air. "How...?" I looked back at the empty corridor, curiosity overriding my fear. " that's not..."

"I'll be asking the questions girlie." He snarled. He had his filthy knife in his hand.

"You tried to kill me!" I said "the night of the ball..."

I looked desperately down the corridor. Could I run?

"Don't even think about running." My murderer said, brandishing his knife.

"Psssshhhh," I said, "Running? Perish the thought."

The criminal looked around. "You know too much." He said, " I'm gonna have to kill you."

My mind went blank. This was one situation I couldn't walk away from.

I could however, run away from it.

I wriggled free and sprinted down the corridor, screaming as I did so, as a summon for help.

"Fire! Murder!" I screamed, barreling down the hall as the criminal gave chase.

A girl burst out of a door down the corridor and stared at me, open mouthed as I sprinted towards her.

"Murderer." I panted, "Run for your life."

She didn't move. I skidded to a stop in front of her and she grabbed my arm, preventing me from running.

Helplessly I turned. The world seemed to be warping. The murderer screamed and threw the knife. It spun through the air towards me, handle over blade. It was about to hit me- my surroundings gave a sickening jolt and I fell to my knees, not onto marble, but onto wet grey concrete. 

My stomach was churning. All around me was the noise of traffic and people. The girl pulled me to my feet and I stumbled. I looked around to try and get my bearings. Tall buildings stretched either side of us. Where we in London?

"Where- How-" I was too muddled to form a coherent thought.

"Shh just keep walking." The girl said pulling me along the crowded street.

"Wait," I said, "you're the girl who fell into the puddle."

"Actually, someone pushed me."

"Um, yeah... Sorry about that."

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