Chapter 15 - The Masterplan Revealed

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I was brought back to the throne room against my will. I sighed as I entered, Aaron behind me. There was no escape. 

Vanessa's eyes glinted as I walked in. Point 1 to the ice queen. 

"Now Iris is back," She said, "Perhaps we can move on with this meeting." 

I rolled my eyes. 

"So now," Vanessa said, "We come to the reason I have brought you here."

I looked over at Grace. Her eyes were wide with excitement. She looked like a puppy about to be given a treat. A treat that was laced with cyanide.

"Have you ever heard of the Myrra?" Vanessa said.

Victoria nodded, but the others looked clueless.

"The Myrra is a crystal which holds all the magic which sorcerers possess. It is hidden in the middle of a maze." She paused. "The Mirror Maze."

"Blah, blah, blah." I muttered. 

"If," The Ice Queen continued, glaring at me, 'This crystal were to be destroyed so would all magic. Not only would all sorcerers lose their magic, but the withdrawal from such a loss would cause severe health effects and possibly, many fatalities. Therefore, it is very important that the crystal is protected at all times and hidden from those who would want to destroy it." 

Like me, for instance. 

"But why would anyone want to destroy magic?" Grace asked, her eyes wide. 

I snorted. She was so naive. 

The Ice Queen said nothing, but her eyes met mine. There was a challenge in them. Like, go on, tell them.

"Because," I said, "magic is wielded by sorcerers. It's a tame version of magick." 

"Magic is a version of magic?" Justin said. "I don't get it." 

"No." I said, "Magic is a version of magick. It has a 'k' "

Justin paused. "I still don't get it."

"Whatever," I said, "Magick is the original magic. Magick is what buzzers, like me, possess. Magic, without the k, is an abomination along with those it creates."

Justin looked offended. "Did she just call me an abomination?" He looked around. "She did, right?"

"I wouldn't care much for the opinion of a buzzer." The girl, Victoria, said. "Don't worry about her." 

"Anyway," Vanessa, the Ice Queen, cut in, "The important thing is that we have reason to believe that a band of criminals are planning to steal and destroy the Myrra." 

I sensed by criminals she meant a band of buzzers. All buzzers would jump at the chance to destroy the Myrra and reclaim Magick. 

"What can we do about this though?" Grace said, her brow furrowed.

"Don't worry." Vanessa said, "You will not be in any danger. The catching of these criminals will be left to the authorities. You will simply provide a distraction, bait if you will." 

"Um, is this safe?" Justin asked.

Vanessa smiled. "Justin, you were caught by my friends breaking and entering, yes? Grace, you need a home? Victoria... you know what you owe me. And Iris, we've had a nice little chat about your brother, haven't we? All I'm asking from all of you is a favour, a payment . I hope you will not refuse my hospitality."

We were all stunned into silence. She had just threatened us and we all knew it. 

"Now," Vanessa said, with a radiant smile, "You must be tired of speaking to me. It's a nice day, go out and enjoy it. I'm sure I will be seeing you very soon." 

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