Rainy day

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Check out the graphic, it's not mine, but I love it!

(Y/N)'s POV

My alarm is blaring by the time I wake up. As I pick it up and look at it I groan, before rushing to get up and dressed.

Dammit I'm going to be late again.

Looking out the window I watch as rain pours off the roof and into the street.

Make that super late.

When I get to the front door and start slipping on my shoes, I try and find an umbrella, but it looks like my Mom took the last one.

I step out into the pouring rain, putting my school bag over my head, and cursing under my breath. When I turn to my side, I see Mrs.Kageyama getting into her car. She waves to me, calling me over.

"You're running late too?" she laughs, "I'll give you a ride, you don't seem to have an umbrella, and the schools pretty far."

I bow, grateful to not have to walk in the stupid rain.

As we're driving, Mrs.Kageyama asks me questions about school and Tobio.

"Does he still have that mouth of his?" she asks, raising her eyebrows.

"N-Nope, Tobio never-"

"(Y/N)." she interrogates, knowing I'm lying. I shake my head, not giving in.

"I swear sometimes I don't know where I went wrong with him. But if he still managed to get with a girl like you, I didn't do all that bad."

"I-It's nothing like that!" I protest, blushing madly. How did she find out about that??!

She chuckles to herself, as we pull up to the school, "Don't forget I want at least three grandkids." she tells me as I'm hurrying to get out of the car.

"Hold on I-" with that she closes the door for me, and starts driving away.

My face is redder than ever, as I run to class, avoiding puddles, and unsuccessfully trying to keep my hair dry.

I make it to class, just as te bell rings, and take my seat next to Tsuuki.

"Have a nice walk to school?" he asks with his usual annoying smirk.

I glare at him, ignoring the urge to hit him on the head, "I didn't walk."

"And yet you're soaked?"

"Whatever." I roll my eyes, and focus on the teacher.


After class, I meet the team in the volleyball gym, where they're all seated around a whiteboard, when Takeda Sensei announces the new assistant manager.

I notice the girl they're talking about, with blonde hair standing next to Shimizu. Her huge brown eyes staring at all of the tall boys nervously.

As they all crowd around her, she gets more and more uncomfortable, and I step in front of her, putting up my arms.

She lets out a sigh of relief, as Shimizu comforts her. I shoot daggers with my eyes at Tanaka and Noya, the main culprits.

"This is our new assistant manager, don't bother her alright! She's super cute, so I know you'll all hit on her, but bother her too much and you'll have to deal with me." I say calmly, as a dark aura forms around me, scaring about half of the team to death.

Even the new girl looks scared, but when I turn around with a huge grin on my face, she seems at ease, "I'm (L/N), nice to meet you."

"Y-Yaichi." She stutters, smiling weakly.

"These guys can seem intimidating, but really they're just a bunch of dorks, right Shimizu!?" I wink.

She nods before speaking, "(L/N) is right, they don't mean any harm."

"But I give them a scare anyways." I laugh.

"Are you an assistant manager too (L/N)?" Yachi asks, watching the boys start playing.

"Nah, I just like to come mess with the guys sometimes. Mostly I come to check on Kageyama, but he doesn't really need me to anymore." I sigh.

As a ball shoots in our direction, I revive it, sending it back into the court to Daichi.

"Thanks." He waves, before serving.

I give him a thumbs up, as I slowly inch my way into their game.

Yachi's POV

Not only is everyone on this team super tall, but they have a gorgeous manager, and another gorgeous girl who just follows them around. I don't know if I should be here. What if (L/N) hates me because I took the assistant manager spot and she wanted it? What if how she's planning out how to ruin being an assistant manager and make it super hard on me? Could she even do that?

"If you're worried about (L/N) don't be, she really doesn't want to be an assistant manager, at least not now. We've asked her a few times already." Shimizu tells me, as we fill up water bottles.

"Why doesn't she? It seems like she does a lot of stuff assistant managers do." I ask, as we walk back into the gym together.

"It's mostly because she doesn't think she can support an entire team, which isn't what being a manager is, but she still doesn't want to. No matter how many times we ask." She explains as the boys start crowding around us. I try to stay calm, as they loom over me, but they all look so intimidating.

"Dumbass!" I hear (Y/N) yell, as she hits Kageyama in the side.

"It's your fault!" He yells back, grabbing her head and squeezing it hard.

"Ow ow ow." She whines, hitting him back, trying to get him off of her.

"How do you both like each other, but fight like that?!" Hinata interrupts, as they both turn to him, giving him evil glares, that send chills up my spine too.

"S-Scary." I stutter, before realizing, "Shimizu-senpai, do they... Like each other?"

"I'm pretty sure." Shimizu says, tapping her finger on her chin.

"We're still betting on who will ask out who." Noya laughs, "They kissed you know."

Suddenly, (Y/N) comes in running, with a kick to Noya's side.

"Gah!" He grunts as they both go flying.

They end up toppled over on the ground, while (Y/N) laughs, with a huge grin on her face.

"(Y/N)-chan hit me!" Noya sings, running over to Tanaka whose looking jealous.

"H-Hit me next!" Tanaka yells.

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