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Disclaimer: Do I have to do this every time? Whatever i don't want to get sued. I don't own Harry Potter or anything else in this story. The wonderful J.K Rowling does and Warner Brothers does. (I realised I don't but idc)

Future me: I'm putting little stuff in bold like 'ew' and stuff okay

*Third Person*

At once Pansy rushed over to Draco. Blaise took a while longer walking towards him. For all he knew this was a trap. What is with Slytherins and traps? I guess some people have trust issues.

"Draco what's wrong?" Pansy asked frantically. 'Wait he was fine earlier. I haven't seen him, he left us since...

"Potter!" Pansy breathed in realisation. The boy had tears stains on his now pale cheeks and was shaking slightly. His hair was also sticking out all over. The only time Pansy had seen him like this was the end of last year. Draco had forgot to put up a silencing charm so nobody would hear his loud sniffles and harsh coughing from his earlier crying. That was when Draco had confessed his feelings to Pansy and Blaise.

"What about him? Blaise asked with a confused look on his face, "You guys haven't fought this past month." 

Draco hesitated, staring at his pillow

"Was it what he whispered to you?" Pansy, sitting down afront him so they can look eye to eye, "What did Potter say?" 

Blaise looked extremely bored with this conversation and started looking around Draco's room, when he found a leather journal on the side of the bed. In slanted cursive engraved Draco's name.

"You have a journal, Draco?" He wasn't sure if it was alright to look in it so he added,"I can tell you don't want to talk so can we look in it and see what happened?"

Draco nodded slightly, not a word from him. Blaise skipped through the journal, walking to sit on the bed while trying to find his most recent page.

Dear journal, May 31, 1994 

I just faced Harry again but it was actually a good thing! Well it might of...I'm not sure but he looked really cute today'

Pansy made a face along with Blaise.

He said my hair looked nice today but I don't suppose he meant to say it out loud. He had a panicked look on his face after he said that. But as if I care! It's a bit odd as I didn't do anything to my hair except flatten it a bit when I woke. After weasel let out a noise of confusion, Harry stuttered that he didn't say anything.  I might of accidentally commented I heard him and thanked him for the compliment, calling him by his first name. Of course I didn't mean to call him Harry, it just slipped! I'm so foolish, what in Merlin's name is wrong with me?

The Draco sitting on his bed was now taking a shower, far to embarrassed to be out there when they read the rest.

I recall every word he said. He asked if I called him Harry, I replied 'no' but i'm certain my voice crack. I was getting weaker by the second but then he stepped closer to me and whispered 'Astronomy tower, 9 o'clock, alone.' I wasn't sure what to do so I thought about it quickly and nodded. Why did I say yes?! I'm so nervous and my stomach feels strange and I don't know have a clue what to do!

Little by little, tear stains started to appear on the pages.

What do i suppose he'll say? What if he declares he never wants to see me and then says for me to leave him alone? I can see why he would say that, seeing as we're supposed enemies but I don't think i can bare the humiliation!

More tear stains to its harder to read

Wh  t  if  h  hate  me? 

The ink was too smudged to read the remainder of the writing.

Pansy sighed, closing the diary. "Poor Draco, he's probably so confused. What should we do Blaise?"

"Well let's wait til Draco gets out of the shower. I'm going to clean up. I can't stand a dirty room." Blaise muttered, standing to arrange Draco's pillows in proper order, motioning for the other to move off. Pansy rolled her eyes and sat on the floor, flickering through the pages once more, waiting for Draco to get out of the shower

*20 minutes later*

"You take forever to take a shower, man!" Blaise commented, staring at the ceiling as soon as Draco entered the room. He looked much better than before, his face no longer stained, his eyes no longer red.

"Why are you still here?," asked Draco in an annoyed tone, holding his towel to his waist.

"To help of course! You're my bestie, you need our help more than ever!" Pansy tossed his diary over her should to fix her wrinkles. Sometimes, she was a bit too perky in Draco' s opinions. None the matter, she was still his best friend.

"Help with what?" Draco walked to his dresser to pull out clothers.

"Oh my Merlin, Draco... you need help with your date with Potter!" She grinned, running her hanf through her hair.

Draco gave her a crazed look."First of all; calm down. Second of all; you talk loud. Third of all; its not a date, Pansy."

"I don't care. Okay let's see it's almost three so we need to start to get you ready!"

"Pansy, it's not til 9." Blaise reminded

"Exactly! Hardly enough time!" Both boys rolled their eyes at their friend. Girls.

Aurthor's Note: I hope you liked this chapter! Please comment!


Edit: sept 16 2017: I made them calmer slightly idk i tried to fix draco's ooc  a bit with his wording in his journal?? 

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