They Ship It?

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

Pansy' Pov (After Dinner)

Yay! Granger said yes! There for I am no longer bored. Bow down to the not-bored queen!!! All I'm wearing now is a sweatshirt and some leggings so i'll change my sweatshirt to a t-shirt and put on a jacket. Well better tell Draco I'm leaving. I need a cover up though...

Third Person * With Pansy*

Knock-knock. Pansy had an idea that was perfectly unsuspicious, no one can guess where she would be going or doing

"Come in!" Draco yelled from his bathroom. Pansy skipped into the room happily but tripped over a loose floorboard. "Ahh!"

"Pansy!" Draco ran out of the bathroom, after attempting to finish his hair, washing and drying his hands, flattening his shirt, putting on and zipping up his jacket, then finally putting on his socks real quick. Oh wait. He ran back to the bathroom to get his shoes and put them on. One sec. He has to tie them. Okay. Pansy hadn't bothered trying to get up so when Draco got to back to his room she was still on the floor, but texting on a phone (A/N:Yeah I know you can't use muggle electronics on Hogwarts grounds but you see this here is a MAGIC phone. Yeah so it works)

"Haha. Lol." Pansy said while checking her email. Draco walked over to help her up but he startled her.

"Merlin Drakey! Don't ever do that again!" Draco only rolled eyes but did question her on the phone.

"Where did you get that from from? What is it?"

It was Pansy's turn to roll her eyes, "Honestly Draco. It's a phone duh."

"And what's it do exactly?"

"Tons of stuff really. I can send people messages and other stuff that I don't have time to explain!" She stood up and put away her phone." You have a really dirty floor you know that. It's gross. And you took long. Why did I come here?"

Draco shrug "How should I know?"

"Oh yes. Um I have to leave you now..."

"Okay, leave."

"You're not going to ask where I'm going?"

"Nope." Draco popped his p at the end

"You surrrrrre?"


"You'll never break me. I'm not telling you."

"That's fine."

"It's important that requires me to leave"

"You said that already."

"Fine," Pansy said a bit disappointed "I'll just go!"

Draco rolled his eyes again. "Fine, where are you going?"

"I'm not telling!" Pansy grinned, exiting the room and heading to Hogsmeade with a jump.

*With Hermione* (before dinner)

Like Pansy, Hermione had an idea on how to leave Harry without him being suspicious but it was a bit better.

"Hey, Harry?" She asked on their way to dinner.

"Hmm? Yeah?" Harry turned to look at her.

"I got to meet a friend after dinner so is it alright if I leave you a bit early?"

"Of course! You've already helped me so much. Thanks by the way."

"Well I know you can't do this on your own. It's what friends are for!" They both stopped to hug each other. "You know I love you Harry."

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