What Happened? Part Two: Draco

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Disclaimer: i do not own anything of Harry Potter

*Third Person*

Pansy took no time to hesitate and ran up to where Draco was, which was his room. 'What happened to him?' She thought. This was the first time Draco was ever like that. He looked as if....as if... can't describe it really. He looked like he was just kissed by a dementor but still had only the feeling of confusion. He look as if the world was-poof. Gone. And he was wondering why that was but not feeling anything else. It was terrifying Pansy. It must have been something big.

Pansy didn't even bother to knock on Draco's door. Why should she? Too bad Draco was on his bed....practically nude. Except for boxers of course! It's not like it bothered her. Draco briefly glanced up at her from the book he was reading before looking back down muttering, "What'd you want?"

Draco didn't look much better than he did before. He was a bit pale but he was pretty much always like that.

"I want to know what happened. How did it go?" Pansy asked softly before sitting next to him.

Draco sighed and put his book down then faced her.

"I honestly don't know, Flower." He responded. Flower was Pansy's nickname. She had told him to call her that in memory of her Aunt Julie. Aunt Julie was her favorite person in her life before she past and they spent most of their time together. Julie used to call Pansy, Flower. Draco always called Pansy that after he heard her story. Not in public though. People could get the wrong idea.

"What'd do you mean?" Pansy asked with confusion. "What happened?"

"Well when I came he was already there and he looked spaced out. I guess I said something to offend him because he started yelling some things. Oh! Do you know anyone by the name of Tom?" Draco questioned for that was the only part he remembered. Pansy shook her head no.

"Does he have a last name?"

"Not that I know of." Pansy frowned. 'What does this gave to do with anything'

"What does this have to do with anything?" She spoke her thoughts out loud.

"Oh it's just something Harry said in his yelling session...." Draco trailed off in thoughts, thinking of anyone by that name.

"Do you remember anything else he said?" Pansy asked ,wanting to get full details.

"Nah. Just the Tom."

Typical. Draco hardly remembers anything. Which is surprising when looking at his grades. Pansy sighed.

"What did you say? You know to get him to yell?"

"Um I forgot?" It was more of a question than a statement.

"Sure you did." She said sarcastically while rolling her eyes. "Ok what happened after?"

Draco frowned at the memory of Harry's eyes. "He.....left. Once he was done yelling I apologised and he yelled some more then he....he just left. Oh Merlin this is all my fault, Pansy."

Pansy looked surprised. Draco Malfoy..apologising? The only people he would apologise to is Blaise and herself. But then Pansy looked surprised again. How is it his fault?

"Drake. I highly doubt it was all your fault. Maybe some parts but not the whole thing. I'll talk to Hermione about it if it helps." She said, forgetting she had not told Draco about that.

"Hermione? You mean Granger?" He asked. He really must of not been paying attention when walking to his dorm.

"Yep. Me and her are now friends'" Pansy replied happily and now bouncing on the bed a bit.

"Her and I." Draco corrected.

"What?" Pansy stopped bouncing.

"You used improper grammar. You can't use 'Me' in the beginning of a sentence." Draco response in a ' duh' voice. 'Oh so this he remembers.' She thought.

"Nerd" she mumbled. He shoved her in the shoulder and smiled.

"Am not!" He protested.

"Oh yeah? What are you reading?" Pansy shot.

"Struck By Lightning' by Chris Colfer." Draco answered in a merry voice. Well he certainly is getting over this fast.

" You mean your idol? The gay one?" Pansy said, disappointed he wasn't reading a text book.

"Yes. The gay one." Draco responded.

"Why do you even like him? He's not that cute..." she mumbled. Draco flinched while she giggle.

"Um excuse me? Chris Colfer has three books published, is adorable, sings, and is a main character of a show." Draco shot at her, glaring.

Pansy was now hysterically laughing, "Then why is he in a pencil costume?" She asked between her laughing.

"He's the president of the writing club!" Draco said defensively.

"Yeah okay." She said, her laughter dying down. "What's it about."

Draco grinned.


"...I seemed to misplace my umbrella.....the family has asked that donations be made to the Clover High Writers Club." Draco finished with tears on the page. The book didn't take too long as he was a fast reader. Pansy laid on his bed holding a pillow, tears still coming out as well. They were both openly emotionally when it was just the two

"No! CARSON! Why?!" She sobbed. Pansy was always more emtional. "D-Draco? Can I have a sleep over with you tonight?"

Draco chuckled. "Yeah. Move over." He then put the book on his nightstand that was next to the bed. Both fell asleep almost instantly.



"Thanks for helping feel better."

"That's what sisters are for." She tapped his nose with a tired smile then fell asleep. Draco soon followed.

Harry had dreams of the blonde. Draco had dreams of the green eyed boy. Pansy had dreams of lightning and blackmailing. Hermione had dreams of everyone being a happy school with no enemies.

If only dreams could come true....

Authors Note: Woah! One thousand reads! You guys are awsome! I changed the cover for my story. It's personally my favorite! Does it look better? I also updated early. Anyway I watched both the movie and the book of 'Struck By Lightning' and its REALLY good. Sad but good. Everyone should read it. I love Chris Colfer and he is so adorable and appears on a show called 'Glee'. Sorry if adding that part bothered you. It was either that book or *shudder* twilight. Well tell me what you think, yeah?

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