What Happened? Part One: Harry

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything of the Harry Potter world.

Third Person*

The two friends separated. Pansy had to go see what was up with Draco. She found it strange when he didn't acknowledge Hermione in the room. Everyone else did. One even screamed. 

'People at sooo dramatic these days' Pansy thought, she simply put a silencing spell on them and made a yelling rant that went on until a prefect came to see what was going on. He really didn't care, they were just annoying him when he was trying to do his homework. Soon the prefect and Pansy were yelling at each other. Hermione only walked around the the place, looking bored, as if she's gone through all that before. 

'It's got to do something with their meeting' Both her and Pansy thought.

*Gryffindor Common Room*

"Hey Harry! So, um, how'd it go?" Hermione asked, walking in and sitting next to Harry who was sitting in a red, squishy chair closest to the fireplace. He was looking in his lap and Hermione was surprised with what she saw when he looked up to find the source of who was talking.

Harry winced and looked into his lap again but Mione saw his face. He had red blotches on his cheeks and the, of course, his eyes were the worst part. Red, he was obviously crying if not a bit.

'Curious. I've never seen them that color.' She thought. That's not the point though. His eyes were puffy and red with still-wet tear stains traveling down his neck. What ever had happened was definitely not good. Hermione knew Harry always wanted to be strong and show no emotion like a Slytherin. But that's the thing. 'He's not a Slytherin,' she thought. Either way she had to be prepared. "Harry?" She asked uncertainly.

"Hmm?" He mumbled and nodded, still not facing her but now looking in the fire. 

"Lets talk in my dorm. I'm sure there aren't any of the girls there." She told him, holding out a hand. Harry accept it without saying anything. They both walked up the stairs to her room. Hogwarts trusted Harry. Luckily none of the girls were there. Without asking Hermione put up 'their spell' and then lead Harry to her bed. 

Harry's Pov

Sometimes I can't help it. How do people expect me to? I mean let's see you try AND succeed to defeat some crazy psychopath who practically stalks you every year. I can't hold it in sometimes. This time is better though. There's someone to help me. Other times I would do it at night and cast a silencing charm around me so I won't wake anybody but with Hermione I don't have to do that. She came over and sat next to me then gave me a hug to comfort me. I still couldn't stop sobbing. I put my elbows on my knee and put my face on my hands.

"Harry...you don't have to be embarrassed." Hermione said while taking my hands away from my face. "Do you want to tell me what happened? I understand if you don't."

"No I do," I stopped sobbing but I was still crying. That's true. I need to tell someone. 'Mione is the only person who I can tell. "I blew it 'Mione. I really blew it."

"Just tell me what happened, Harry."

"I yelled at him! Oh Merlin, what's wrong with me....." Hermione didn't look surprised just curious as always.

"About what? I mean, why did you?"

*Third Person*

Harry explained what happened and what he yelled. 

"I don't know why i did it. I just...did. I'm such an idiot." Harry ended.

"Well we can fix this. I know we can. Pansy and-" Hermione was cut off by Harry.

"Parkinson? What about her?" Harry asked, looking confused.

"I was about to tell you but you cut me off." She said defensively.

"Oh...sorry." Harry flushed. But he was still wondering. What does she have anything to do with?

"Well Pansy and I are now friends. After we met we exchanged numbers on our phone-" Hermione got cut off the third time that day.

"Phone? Since when have you had a phone?"

Hermione sighed, obviously annoyed a little. "I don't know. Since last year. After I got petrified my parents wanted me to have a phone so I can call them if anything was going on." She explained. "Now will you let me continue?"

"Yeah okay. Go on."

"Anyway. I can text her later about what happened but I'm sure she already knows. We can solve the problem. Questions?" 'Mione asked

"One. She knows about Draco and I?"

"It was probably easy for her to figure out." Hermione responded vaguely.

"Oh." Harry nodded. "I swear 'Mione. You are best of friends." He said, getting up from the bed. He stopped crying a bit of a while ago while explaining.

"I know! *Let's get you cleaned up. Your face is a mess." Harry laughed along with her. It's probably true. She led him to the bathroom to do some charms on his so it looked like he wasn't crying at all. When they were finished Mione looked at the clock in the girls room.

"Oh! It's 10:30 already? Shame.... well, you have to go now Harry." Hermione said.

"Thanks Hermione. Bye, love you!" Harry said while giving her a hug

"Of course Harry! Bye love you too!" Mione said in a sleepy voice and hugging back. It was a busy day filled with hugging, wasn't it?

Harry left to his dorm and went to bed straight away. No Voldemort concerns for him. Only hope that the next day will turn out fine.

For Hermione she still had to text Pansy. 

'Hey' she texted to her. 'I hope Draco was alright. Harry can be really scary when he wants to be. Like me!' Was her last thought before accidentally drifting off to sleep, Pansy was asleep already anyway

Author's Note: I'm on my sister's computer while she went to the library so I edited all the bolding and such on the before chapters. This will happen every Tuesday that i will post on Monday but edit on Tuesday or earlier if my sister isn't here. Anyway i have an idea ,as always, for the next chapter already so we'll see how that turns out. It's going to be about Draco of course! Hope you liked this chapter! Sorry it was short. Who else thinks the song 'Don't let me get me' by Pink is the PERFECTsong for Draco?

*JAN 19 2018: again i put something rather offensive, hermione saying i love having a gay best friend which is a) ignoring harrys sexaulity as hes said he still likes girls and b) obviously stereotyping the lgbt community. i apologize to any readers who read that! idk why i projected myself on hermione so much, nontheless make her lowkey a homophobe.,,i hope i can redeem her

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