Gaying Things Out

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Disclaimer: I have literally no creativity compared to JK Rowling to come up with this.

I'm going to start writing in Harry and Draco's POV because it's easier.

EDIT sept 16 2017: im changing things back to third person: new readers it was very poor in first. this chapter is more filler into the next.

Harry had been panicked all day, with perfect reasoning. 

Hermione stuck by his side for the remainder of the day, calming him down from earlier. She even skipped lunch to help pick out an outfit. Said outfit consisted of casual wearing: a grey t-shirt, his favorite blue hoodie, some black sneakers that used to be Dudley's, and a regular pair of black jeans. Of course she had to get some stains out and adjust the sizes a bit, but that didn't take long. Hermione didn't even bother with his hair, knowing if he couldn't do anything to calm it down, she couldn't

Dinner was uneventful, mind Harry avoiding any eye contact from the Slytherin table. Afterwards, he promptly went to the dorms to get changed while Hermione went to meet with a friend (Harry assumed they weren't in their house as she would have told him who they were if they were Gryffindor). He was unaware of where his housemates were, but didn't pay too much attention to that. 

Once in his room by himself, Harry felt his panic starting to settle in.

'What's going to happen with us anyways...

First I was worried about what will occur when we meet but what's gonna happen after? What if we were to start going out? We can't just walk into the Great Halls and yell out for all Hogwarts to hear, 'Hey Hogwarts! We're going out now!'...Well we can. We shouldn't though... it'd have to be a secret. Not to mention the there's the possibility that something goes wrong too. I hate waiting. I can't wait til it's time to leave...'

Harry check the time, pacing around.

'What!? How did I spend thirty minutes on my thoughts! Good thing I'm already ready. I'll bring my invisibility cloak and map along just in case. Better leave now... '

Draco's Pov

Draco loved Pansy as a sister. Even more. But at times like this he wouldn't hesitate to welcome Hell. She kept complaining on how she had no time to ready me and how he had nothing casual to wear. He couldn't help but agree there.

He had his uniforms, robes and a few jackets: everything being all green and silver. So Pansy decided to change up a green long-sleeve and grey pants. She left the pants alone but changed the green sleeved into a black sleeve and threw in a dark green jacket. Black shoes, gel in the hair and he was ready to go.

Although she calmed the blonde down he was still a bit worried. Pansy left a while ago for something important  that involved not being in the common room or her room. 

'What if someone catches us?'

Draco bit his lip, shaking his head, 'I'm not freaking out as much as I was earlier but, you know, i want everything to go alright. I like Harry and i'm pretty sure he likes me back but I'm still unsure. I hate not knowing things.'

Draco checked the time, pacing around, 'Harry wouldn't be worried like this... Crap! 8:40. I should leave now the astronomy tower is pretty far from here.'

Off they went.

Author's Note: I'm a terrible person I know. I've been sick lately and I have been having a lot of homework lately. So sorry for the short chapter I know what's going to happen next. It's the meeting.I know I said it was going to be in this chapter but I wanted to have them getting ready. Next one for sure.

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