Chapter 1

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The scene in front of her eyes was very fuzzy and messed up. She didn't know if she was looking at the sky or the ground or whatever that was.

Haruna blinked repeatedly, trying to force her eyes to get used to whatever she was looking at. And at the same time that she began to understand the scenery and what was going on, she recovered the sensitivity on her whole body, that she didn't even know she had lost momentarily.

She was soaked, and she could feel the lower half of her body still in water while she was holding onto a huge piece of solid foam, and the upper half of her body was in contact with sand.

Haruna was looking at a shore, and also the edge of a forest not so far from there. She moved and kneeled on the sand, getting completely out of water and letting go of that giant foam, while the realization of what just happened hit her like a punch in the face.

There was a plane crash.

She was travelling through Asia with her band mates and the plane fell in the middle of the sea. 

She remembered the total desperation while they were falling, and how she blacked out after managing to hold onto the first thing she saw so she wouldn't drown. She looked at herself for a moment, and didn't see any blood on her soaked black shirt and jeans. She also didn't feel anything besides a pain on her back, which was probably normal given the circumstances. Good, at least she wasn't really injured in any way.

But wait. Her friends. Where were her friends?

Haruna panicked and stood up, looking around.

It didn't take long for her to see a skinny girl kneeled not so far from there, with her hands in the sand, coughing, and her long brown hair fell over her shoulders, totally drenched.


She ran to her in the best way she could, feeling that pain on her back stinging.

- Rina-chan! - as she got closer, she saw a big dark stain on the front of Rina's white shirt, and also on her blue skirt. Rina seemed relieved to see her, but also terrified.

- Where on earth are we? - the drummer asked, her voice sounding very squeaky.

- I have no idea. - Haruna replied, crouching next to her - What's that? Are you hurt? - she pointed at the stains on Rina's clothes.

- No, it's probably from that airplane stuff I held onto for hours.

- You know how much time has passed? - Haruna asked, and got a little startled when Rina hugged her suddenly. But then she hugged the drummer back. It was incredibly relieving to see her well.

- I don't really know but I'd say several hours, it was still kind of dark when we crashed, and now we have this burning sun. I saw you floating with that foam stuff earlier, but you didn't hear when I yelled, and I didn't have any strength to swim to you.

- I blacked out... - Haruna said, and kept looking around restlessly - Did you see Tomo or Mami anywhere?

Rina let go of her and looked around as well.

- No, I didn't... - they both had an awful feeling on their stomach - Do you think they...?

- No, don't say it. - Haruna stood up again - We were all close to each other on the plane, if we got out of there, so did they.

Or at least that's what she wanted to believe. She started to feel really bad, thinking of all the possibilities...

- What's that? - Rina suddenly asked, also standing up.

- What?

- That, there. - Rina pointed to a more rocky side of the shore at some distance - Do you see that?

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