Chapter 5

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Rina walked cautiously right after Haruna, trying not to think about what would happen if she fell. They were completely wrong to assume that was gonna be a simple and straightforward path just because it was river side.

There was a trail, probably made by the old residents of the place, but it wasn't the safest one. It went up by about five meters or so, on the mountain side, and it could be a dangerous fall into the river or at the rocky edge. The river also wasn't so shallow in that portion, so one could really drown in there. And they couldn't even go back and cross the river, because the other side was even more rocky and seemed even more difficult to walk.

- I don't know if we'll be able to bring those two through here either. - Rina said, and heard Haruna sighing.

- Yeah, it's gonna be hard to bring Mami along. I can see myself carrying her again already.

- Hell no. What if you fall? It's not safe at all, she's a good deal bigger than you to do this here.

- Then what will we do? This trail is too narrow to just help her walk.

- Maybe I'll carry her then.

- I'm serious Rina-chan.

- Me too. Or we knock out both of them and drag them through the cave.

- ... Who are you and what have you done to Rina?

The drummer laughed for a moment.

- I'm tempted to say I'm a dinosaur in disguise, but I already used that one once before.


Tomomi was speechless for a couple of moments. She felt like her thoughts were all running in circles and punching each other as she didn't know what to say or what to ask first. Looking at Mami more carefully, she could see that her hands were shaking slightly. Mami's hands would only shake like that if she was extremely nervous, but yet she was putting on that facade of determination.

Tomomi could see how nervous she was. And Mami knew she couldn't fool the bassist, but she couldn't soften her ways either, she needed to know what was going on inside Tomomi's mind.

- Just so I'm sure of things and don't say or do anything stupid... - the bassist began, facing Mami and speaking softly - Everything that you just said... Are you telling me that you weren't upset about me kissing you... but about me apologizing afterwards?

The guitarist nodded.

- And... - Tomomi continued, looking her in the eyes, feeling her heart hammering against her chest - Are you saying that you like me... as more than a friend?

Mami nodded again, lowering her face a little, and Tomomi saw her blushing. Tomomi felt herself blushing as well.

She never expected that. Of course they played with that idea several times, but she never thought Mami would have real feelings for her in that way. She wanted to pinch herself to check if that wasn't a dream, but refrained from doing it.

Mami was so cool and mature and free and had her own way of doing everything, Tomomi never thought the blonde could really be interested in someone like her who was so distracted and silly all the time. Again, she had to refrain herself from pinching her own arm.

- I just need you to know that I never tried to get anything from you. It never crossed my mind. - Mami said, facing her again, still blushed - And now I want your answer for what I said before.

- You don't have to say that... - the bassist was having a hard time to put her thoughts in order. All those feelings she had for the blonde were fighting to see which one could scream louder, but she needed to act like a normal person for a moment. That was her chance, finally. There was no way she was going to screw that up. - Before I say what I wanna say, can I do something?

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