Chapter 3

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The two girls ran as fast as they could while holding on each other's wrists, trying not to trip on tree roots. They didn't need to look back to know the wolf was running after them.

It seemed like a miracle that it didn't get to them yet, but they didn't have time to think about it. Haruna felt her heart hammering in fear inside her chest while she ran, and the only other thing she was conscious of was Mami's tight grip on her wrist. The blonde was right behind her, and what made Haruna even more scared was the fact that if she stepped the wrong way, she wouldn't be the only one in serious danger. The same went for Mami, but it never crossed their minds to let go of each other.

Another thunder roared in the sky, and the rain started.

As they ran and felt their feet hurting more and more, it didn't take long for the rain to get heavier and start to mess with the way they stepped. It didn't take long for them to get soaked, too.

They could see lightnings, and the sound of thunders became more regular as the minutes went by.

Haruna looked back once, and the animal was very close. Just a little more and it would be able to jump on them. She really wanted to avoid doing what she was thinking, but they would be out of options very soon.

- We'll have to climb on a tree! - she yelled to be sure the blonde would hear her with all the thunders.

- Are you nuts?!

- Right now! - the leader yelled again as she saw a large tree not far ahead. It looked like they'd be able to climb on that one.

Haruna let go of the blonde when they reached that tree and went climbing up the best way she could, looking down to see if Mami was doing the same. They were able to step on some large branches and make their way up, and just a few moments after Mami pulled both her legs up out of reach, the wolf jumped and tried to bite her without success.

- If that was a leopard or something we'd be dead right now. - Mami said, gasping for air and holding herself against the trunk, crouched over a large branch.

- We'd be dead the second we moved. - Haruna replied, almost lying on another big branch and also speaking with some difficulty.

- You know this is not a very smart move to make during a storm, right?

- Of course I know, Mami! But it's the tree or the wolf!

- Don't yell at me like I'm stupid!

- Then stop stating the obvious!

They glared at each other for a moment, then heard the wolf growling down on the ground. It was moving slowly around the tree, not bothered by the heavy rain. The animal was the size of a big hunting dog, dark grey and black, and looked very much threatening.

- This isn't time to argue over stupid things. - Haruna said, taking a deep breath - We need to think of something. Do you still have the razor?

- Yeah, do you still have the spear?

- Yes.

- Ok. I don't think I can just jump down there and kill that beast. What do we do?

- Let's catch our breath and think. - Haruna said while observing the wolf. - This one seems to be a little old.

- Yeah, I think it’s not in its best shape. - Mami agreed, also observing the dark grey animal lurking under them - That's probably why it wasn't able to get us.

- Probably. Do you think it's possible for us to stay here until it gets tired and goes away?

- If I wasn't so afraid of being electrocuted, yeah, maybe. - Mami then closed her eyes and rested her forehead against the trunk - And we don't know if this stupid fur ball has friends or not, I rather deal with one only.

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