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Finns pov

She looked startled at me in the dark night, and her face was subtly outlined with light from her phone. I smiled and she lowered her phone down. She was still standing up, and with the difference in our levels, she towered above me. It was hard to see her face in the little light we had after she put her phone away.

"W-what are you doing here." She shakily looked around at the ground and then at me.

"I figured I'd visit." I smirked, and pushed myself up to sit next to her.

Minutes before

"Man I love it here!" Gaten said as we walked through a concrete tunnel.

"Almost as much as you love donuts." Caleb snickered with me.

"Shut up."

"Yeah Caleb, shut up and eat a donut!" Noah said and we all laughed.

Our parents trailed behind us and wepassed by a restaurant, Tavern On the Green (btw I ate here and it's rly good). "Hey boys, do you want to stop here?" My Mom said and the group came to a halt. I looked at my stomach and back at her.

"We just ate a little bit ago, besides why don't you guys get something to drink. I think it's happy hour all day." I just wanted to walk around with my friends, not with my mom at the moment.

She looked like she was about to objectify, but Calebs dad cut in. "I think that would be great Finn."

"Ok so we'll meet back up here in say," Noah looked at his watch, "two hours, so 11:00, closing time."

"Oh I don't know-" Gatens Mom said with a worried tone, but then she was cut off by my dad.

"Just make sure you call us every 20 minutes, and no talking to strangers. And if anyone asks you to come with them or that they know us, scream and run the other way."

We nodded and after a few more lectures on safety, they headed inside. "Well, what should we do?" Noah said and we began to walk towards a small light in the distance.

"I don't know, see what that light is?" No one replied to me, but no one said anything against it either. After a few minutes we came across a small gift shop, surrounded by huge rocks. The only other person was a lady reading a book on a bench, and a few lovers holding hands under trees.

"Should we go in?" Gaten said and we took a step to the door. I shook the handle but it was locked.

I turned around and hit my hands against my pants angrily. "Well, uh what should we do."

"We could climb some rocks or something." Caleb said and without saying a word, walked to the tallest formation about 100 yards away.

We looked to the tops of them and for a minute I swear I saw someone sit down. I backed up and the boys looked at me funny.

"Uh, Finny boy, what ya doing?" Gaten asked but I ignored him. I saw the person again. This time illuminated by a light. I swear I've seen them before, but where?

"Guys come here!" I whisper yelled and backed up to hit a tree. They came over and I immediately pulled out my phone.

"What is it?" Noah peered at my phone and I pointed to the person on the rock.

"See that person? They look very familiar." I went to my pictures and found a picture of me and the girl named Millie.

My eyes widened and I held the phone into the sky to see if they had some resemblance. The person had short hair, as Millie did.

She put her phone down and I did too. "Should I check?"

I looked at Noah and he nodded. "No harm in checking right?" The others agreed.

"What are you guys going to do?" I didn't just want to leave them here for a girl, that would be rude.

"Um, text us after a bit. We'll go from there. Now go get her." Caleb encouraging me patted my shoulders and Gaten pushed me forward.

I began to climb the rock and looked back. They gave me a thumbs up and I turned to keep going. My plans grew sweaty and my legs hurt after a minute. It was hard to see, and a few times I almost fell. The moon was my guide up.

What would I says to her? What if it's not her? Oh god, what if it's an old grumpy man? I would fall off from embarrassment. I pushed the ideas out of my head and kept going. Just a few more feet till I hit a platform below hers. I hope she didn't hear me.

I jumped up on it and I thought I heard her move. She then began to hum something, and I now knew it was her. I was sitting on the ledge and looked down to my friends. I grabbed my phone.

spicyfinn: wish me luck

schnappmyneck: go finn!!!!

chocodad: don't get to crazy

pumpkinspicelife: ^^

spicyfinn: thx guys

I tucked my phone away. Well, here goes nothing. I sucked in a sharp breath and stood up. She was laying out on the rock, eyes closed. The stars twinkled above and I swear I could've looked at her forever. Oh god Finn you've know her for one day.

I should do it, it's weird to stare. I mustered all the courage I possibly could.

"Is this seat taken?"


I love this chapter soooooooooooooooooooooooo much oh my gosh
Also if you could give this a star that would be FINNtastic

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