
589 31 10

Millie's pov
Gaten grabbed a map from a nearby dispenser and we sat down in the middle of the path. He put it down and opened it up, us having to scoot back so he was able to open it up fully. After he pulled out his phone and turned the flash light on, illuminating the map.

"Well if we're here," Finn pointed to a walkway that had a shop next to it, "then the  parks right here." He dragged his finger along the paper and to a small dot that indicated a children's park. It was a blue dot, meaning water park.

I looked over, confused as to why we were going to a water park. Caleb caught my glance. "Mills, it's not a full out water park. It just had water, trust me I went yesterday with my sister."

"Oh, ok." Pulled my legs into my chest, and rocked back and forth lightly.

"You good Millie?" Finn touched my arm slightly and I pulled my arm away, startled by his sudden touch.

"She's fine Finn, chill." Gaten spoke up and I nodded to him as a silent thank you.

"Well let's get on our way." Noah said and I pushed myself up, dusting off my legs to get the dirt off.

"It's, uhhh," Gaten spun the map around, trying to find the right way up, "there we go." He had it placed right and pointed to another paved path that split off from the main one.

We started down the path, talking about anything and everything, laughing till it hurt. When we finally arrived a few minutes later, I was astonished to see or was a full out play park. There were two levels, on placed slightly back from the other. Walkways ran through the cement and I could see the glint of water reflected by the lights. On the side next to it I could barely make out a swing set, and closer to us was a dome full of strings and some sprinklers placed around it spurting out sad amounts of water.

"Well how do we get in." The park was closed, considering it was almost 9:30. I grabbed the bars and tried to force my body through, but even with my small frame I wouldn't fit. I stepped back and rubbed my shoulder, looking up at the 15ft gate.

"We could scale it, anyone here do gymnastics?" Caleb said and attempted to get up, falling after he got 3ft up.

I looked at everyone else, and they just kinda shrugged it off. "Well there's a lock keeping us from the other side on the gate here, right?" They nodded, not catching on yet. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the bars, hoisting myself up. I wrapped my legs around it and pushed up to the top, turning around and sitting on the two inches of metal at the top.

I started at the gaping boys with a smirk on my face. "See, easy."

"I guess so." Finn said and I could see a slight blush, even at night, tickle at his cheeks. I shook my head and swung my legs over, falling and landing without a thud. I guess gym does help out.

I took the lock a pulled a bobby pin out of my hair. "And what are you going to do with that?" Gaten said.

"You'll see." I pushed it in the lock and moved it around until I heard a click and it popped open. I pulled the gate open and bowed. "I believe the park is ours." They stood there for a moment until I grabbed Noah's wrist, leading the pack behind him.

The ground below became squishy, and I jumped up and down on it. "This is cool." Caleb jumped and started to laugh with Gaten and Noah. Finn stood closer to me and let out a shaky laugh, and I knew what was going through his mind automatically.

"Don't be nervous, we won't get caught." I reassuringly said, as I hadn't seen any cameras on the way in. "Besides who's going to get mad at a few kids for going into a park at night."

He still had a worried look on his face. "I don't know, we could get caught, we are famous after all, it could ruin our career, reputation, show." He said it at what seemed like 200 mph.

"Well let's get your mind off it." I grabbed his hand and started running towards the structure, him almost falling behind me.

I got to the bottom of the steps and took my shoes and socks off and so did he. "What about the others?" He said and I looked at the 3 boys and could see them looking at us with their hands in the shape of a heart.

I scoffed and pulled him up. "Let's go." I let go of his hand and the warmth immediately left it. I walked down a bridge connected to a dome structure. Water trickled over my feet and Finn followed behind me. I splashed the water in front of me, and so did Finn, unaware it would hit me.

I turned to face him and he looked pink, and I smiled in a mischievous way. I raised my foot and he held his hands in a surrender. "Millie, don't." He took a few steps back and I followed him. I faked him and brought my foot down, stopping before it hit water.

He wasn't as lucky as he screamed and slipped, falling back and coating himself in water. He laid there for a second before breaking out into a laugh. I laughed too and took off my jacket, throw it so it landed by my shoes. He put his hands up, and in between laughs said, "Help me up you doof." I grabbed his wet hand and pulled him up.

He looked at me and laughed even harder, and I had to clutch my stomach. My throat was dry and I let out a cough, walking to the dome, which the center was flat. The center had about three inches of water, i jumped, splashing my legs. I coughed again, my throat still dry.

"Hey Millie." I looked up to Finn, and for a moment i forgot he was a celebrity, one who I admired, and now I saw his as my friend.

He shuffled closer, a few inches away. "Need some water?" He pushed me back and I feel on the soft, wet, ground. My clothes were soaked.

"Why you-" I said but before I got it all out a thing of water hit my face, and Finn laughed the purest thing I heard.

He was standing, laughing, in front of me. "Can you help me up please?" I pushed my hand out and he stupidly took it, and before he shifted his weight back, I pulled him forward. He fell and landed on the right side of my body, then rolling off. We howled into the night, and we calmed down after Caleb shouted at us from the swing set to shut up and kiss already.

We were still in the water for a few minutes, but I could care less. The stars seemed brighter, and sounds clearer. I propped myself up to face him, and he looked up still.

"Mills, do you ever think people are destined to meet each other?" His eyes danced across the stars, and I could see a million questions behind them.

I gave it a thought for a minute. "No, but I think each person enters your life for a reason, even if it's a small one." He nodded, pursing his lips together. He propped his head up to face me too, and I could feel the heat radiate off him.

"Why do you think we met?" A breath caught in my  throat, and I wanted to cough again to get an answer out.

"I don't know. But I think there's a reason." When I said it he was close, but his eyes were lost in mine.

"Maybe, I know we'll only be together for a few days, but Millie, I can tell you're going to be in my life for a while.


Guys I'm sorry this took sooooooooooo long to update but I've been super busy 💕

But I'm a Fan ↠ fillie  [ ON A VERY LONG HIATUS]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon