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    John Lennon has been a math teacher for a horrible one-fourth of his life, the only reason that he actually continued to work is his need for a steady income.

And dear God was he ready to pop his head off when his seventh period came around.

"McCartney! Pay attention will you?"

John watched as Paul had the nerve to roll his eyes as he faced John. "I'm sorry, Mr. Lennon, but George had something very important he had to tell me."

John glared at his lanky friend before focusing his attention to Paul, "Well, if it was so important, you can tell me out in the hall."

Paul huffed and whispered something to George before obeying John and going out into the hall. "Are you going to tell my dad?" Paul asked.

John furrowed his eyebrows, that's what Paul was worried about? "Um, yeah."

"Can you not tell him?"

John scoffed. "Really? You want me to help you out? When you are the one who doesn't want to pay attention in my class?"

"Y'know how fathers are.. With punishments and all."

John crossed his arms and shook his head. "Paul, does your dad beat you?" John lowered his voice and took a step closer to Paul.

Paul bit his lower lip and nodded in agreement. "Excessively when he's drunk."

John clicked his tongue before opening the classroom door again and motioning for Paul to go inside. "I won't tell him. But Jesus Paul, what was so important about talking to George?"

"He's letting me stay over because of the last time me dad was drunk it ended very badly."

"Pay attention in class alright?"

    Paul McCartney was infamous, whether he liked it or not, but at least that was good for business. Everyone knew that he was easy on the eyes, and also to bed.

They didn't know- save George and Mr. Lennon- that he didn't have a great dad, but then again that didn't matter to them.

On the weekends Paul worked at an abstruse club to feed him and sometimes his brother (when he felt like coming home that was), the pay was sucky even though it was always swarming with men, but Paul didn't question it.

Paul never knew that John Lennon would change his life.

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