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    John didn't meddle with students love life, because he usually didn't care, but when it came to him trying to piss over the sound of someone moaning, he was definitely going to meddle.

"What the hell were you thinking Jagger?! Oh wait.. I know you weren't!"

"Why are you mad at me? The coward over there is the one who offered!" Mick defended pointing over John's shoulder to his partner in crime, who John knew was crying.

"But you're the bloody adult! You know how lucky you are to have been caught by me than any other teacher? They would've reported your arse." John spat. He couldn't believe how dumb Mick Jagger- the school's cocky coach- was to accept such an absurd offer from a student.

"Can you blame me though? I have needs and wants too. And from what I've heard through the grapevine is that-"

"I don't give a shit! You could've told me that God himself said that Paul gave the best head, and I'd still be pissed at you!" Mick flinched at his words, clearly noticing that John wasn't very happy with him.

"Speaking of McCartney," John turned around to the sobbing student curled up in a ball on the floor, "do you not remember what happened on Sunday? Before you were dropped off at George's what did you promise me?"

Paul lifted his head from his knees and looked up at John. "I-I promised n-not to sell m-myself for money."

"You are already breaking the promise you made yesterday."

Paul refrained from crying again. John Lennon was disappointed in him. He knew he was going to break the promise right after he had said it. Paul couldn't afford to not sell himself, but he wanted to hear John's praises so badly that he lied.

"Mick what were you going to give him in return for what he was doing for you?" John asked, even though all three of them knew the answer.

"Um.. I was going to give him twenty bucks." The coach mumbled, the shame of what he had accepted finally getting to him.

Paul avoided John's gaze looking down at the floor, hugging his knees to provide a distraction. "I'm sorry John.. I really am, but I can't stop just because I made a promise to you."

"John? That bastard knows your first name?" Mick scoffed.

"He's not a bastard, and yes-"

"Why the hell are letting him off so easily? I'm the one in your line of fire when that kid is the one who fucking offered!"

"Because I know why he does it." John sighed and pulled out his wallet grabbing forty dollars before shoving his wallet back in his pants. "Paul stand up."

Paul hesitantly got up. "Good, now go and buy lunch, seeing as though you don't have very much time to eat it you can finish what you don't eat in your next class. Just tell your teacher that I've allowed you to." John said as he handed the money to Paul.

Paul nodded and quickly left the bathroom just after hearing John and Mick starting another argument on the way he was treating Paul, starving for something more than the piece of bread that he ate in the morning.

    "Hey Paul! Where were you?" George asked, smiling at his friend, who he noticed looked a bit pale.

"I was in the bathroom." Paul said plopping down beside George under the tree that the both of them usually sit under during lunch.

"So you're telling me that you were in the bathroom for twenty minutes?"

Paul shrugged. "Time flies when you're having fun I guess."

Paul knew that George was dying to know what he had been doing for the past twenty minutes, but he'd rather forget that he had gotten caught by John. Getting caught just wasn't enough to satisfy whoever wanted him to be miserable, because he just had to be caught by the one person who he'd promised that he would stop.

He hoped whoever wanted him to miserable was happy, because he surely wasn't.

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