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Ringo was not happy when he woke up to the shrill of a telephone, and was not equally happy having to walk all the way to the kitchen just to pick up the phone, only to find out it was John.

And, much to his dismay, John had only called to let him know about what had happened a few hours earlier.

Which, frankly, Ringo didn't care about this late at night.

Well, until John started to assault him with questions.

"Does it feel good to have sex with a man?"

Ringo scrunched his nose up at the absurd question. "It's too late for you to be asking me those kinds of questions, John."


"Yes, really, you git. I'd rather not talk about my sexual escapades when I can't even remember them." Ringo sighed.

There was a long pause before John had asked his next question; "Do you think he'll leave me?"

Ringo closed his eyes. It was too late in the night for John to start to act like that. "I dunno. John, you haven't gotten attached to him right?"

"Attached? No. Slightly obsessed is what I would use."

"You become a jealous bastard when you're with someone. That poor Paul kid is gonna have hell on earth if he even looks at anyone." Ringo rested his forehead against the wall.

"Not true. I'm not that jealous anymore, I've calmed down. Considerably."

"You're right. Instead of being jealous you become extremely-"

"Insecure. I know. You've told me many times. Frankly I don't think I'm insecure, I do think I am inordinately cautious, though. I promise you that the way I've acted in my past relationships will pale by comparison to the way I'll act now."

"Liaisons, John. We both know you don't do relationships." Ringo corrected.

"I'm not going to be unfaithful. I'd be insane to lose him over somethin' petty like that."

"It's still an illicit relationship. Anyone who gets word of what you're doing with him can report you to the school board. Or worse, they'll get the law involved." Ringo mumbled.

"If I cared about the consequences I would've asked for them, honey."

"I'm just letting you know the possibilities-"

"We haven't even had sex yet. The last thing I'm worried about is how it'll end."

Ringo glanced down at his watch, squinting to make out what the time was, and realised that if he didn't end the call now he wouldn't get enough sleep.

"John, as much as I love hearing your voice, I value my sleep. You should sleep too. G'night." Ringo didn't wait for a response before placing the phone back on its cradle.

    The next time Ringo saw John, it was 5 o'clock in the afternoon on a Friday, two days after he had called.

Once Ringo had opened the door, John had squeezed past him and made himself at home, plopping down on the couch like he lived here.

"You've got any weed?"

Ringo shut the door and sat beside John. "Hello to you too, John. And no. I've got coke."

"What a shame that is." John glanced at the clock on the wall, "I jus' came by to check up on ya, pal."

"Check up on me? Why that's mighty thoughtful of you." Ringo joked, adorning a country accent.

"Tell me about it." John stretched out, "I've got a half-hour commute back to mine, if I'm lucky. And you better pray I'm lucky; 'cuz I've got Paul for the night."

"You act like you've got shared custody of 'im."

"Technically, I share him with that friend of his, George. Apparently he lost his damn head not knowing where he was, so Paul is adamant on spending his weekend with George."

Ringo watched John with suspicion, he knew John didn't like sharing, and hoped for Paul's sake that John would take it lightly. "Paul's at your house right now?"

John nodded, "Yeah, I told him he should take a shower and then get some sleep, he looked dead tired."

"But what about Cynthia?" Ringo asked.

"What about her? I doubt she'll even notice Paul." John shrugged.

"Y'know she notices more than you think John. She's rambled on about you many times to me, to get it out if her system. She knew about the time you had a threesome, and informed me, in vivid detail." Ringo grimaced at the memory, remembering the things she had told him, "Next time- hopefully there won't be one- but I would suggest you to lower your voice when saying what you want."

"Aww, is Lil' Richard scared of a little straight sex?" John teased.

Ringo scoffed. "No, I'm just scared of any sex if it's including you."

"Very true point." John flicked his wrist and checked his watch. "Aye mate, wanna go do somethin' tomorrow?"

"Sure? Whatever it is, it better not be some shite you brought me to last time." Ringo snorted.

"What are you talkin' about? Coming with me to the doctor wasn't better than going to a pub?" John asked, imitating an appalled look.

"It wasn't. I was actually excited to go and get pissed until I noticed we weren't within a ten mile radius of one! I don't know why you wanted me to go with you so bad."

"Because I was tired of getting checked out by the nurses. You were me buffer." John chuckled.

Ringo rolled his eyes. "Ha ha ha, John. What a fuckin' comedian you are."

"Ah, I know. It's a wonder I haven't gotten paid yet." John stood up and stretched his back out, "I've gotta home, sadly."

"Oh, yes, so sad that is." Ringo got up from the couch to open the door for John. "Jus' curious, but what are you planning on doing tonight?" Preparing for the phone call he was bound to get from Cynthia took time, and being in the know should lessen the shock of what'd she would say, he figured.

John grinned, leaning against the door Ringo had opened. "You'd like to know, wouldn't you?"

(Aye get ready for some shitty action)

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