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(This chapter is kinda short, désolé)

After leaving the school with a failed search for Paul, John had swung by his friend's house, raiding his liquor cabinet. "I lost him, Ritchie. I let him slip through me fingers like an idiot." John slurred, rubbing his forehead.

"The lad has been around, John. I think the two of you wouldn't 'ave worked regardless." Ringo patted John's shoulder, watching him down the rest of the beer bottle.

"Fuck you, then." John wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "If you think he's a whore jus' say it. No need to dance around the fact."

"I don't think he is. I think 'e's a little too desperate for cash."

"I dunno, the way I see it is he likes playing the innocent bitch to get what he wants. He likes being a whore, believe me." John slumped lower on the sofa, gripping the neck of the bottle harder. He couldn't understand why Paul would just leave him over some petty threat other than the fact he was someone who used people.

"We should go somewhere." Ringo suggested, trying to cheer John up. "I'm not sure what's open at this hour but if we drive around-"

"The last time we went somewhere together it ended up with me ditching you, remember? There's also a zero percent chance I'll see Paul an' Mick here, I'm good with stayin' here."

"You'll have to see them tomorrow, and for the rest of the school year." Ringo pointed out.

John groaned at the thought. "I'm takin' the rest of the week off. You wouldn't mind calling the school an' telling them I'm in the hospital for a bit, would you?"

"No, I guess not." Ringo sighed, threading his fingers through his hair.

John nodded, staggering off the couch. "I'll be off then. Thanks for the beer, Rich." He set the empty glass on the coffee table.

"You sure you don't want to spend the night 'ere? I don't think driving drunk is-"

"Don't flatter yourself. 'M barley tipsy, never mind drunk." John scoffed, pulling his keys out from his pocket. "I'll call you once I'm home if you want, alright?"

"Yeah, stay safe." Ringo sighed, furrowing his eyebrows in concern.

John went towards the door, opening it and glancing back at Ringo. "I'm gonna be fine, y'know. I've done dumber things before... like believe Paul, for instance."

"He's just a pretty boy, John, I don't see why you get so worked up 'bout him."

"'Cause I'm a loser." John flashed Ringo a sad smile before leaving, shutting the door behind him.

John felt lightheaded as he turned the key in the ignition, closing his eyes briefly as he waited for the feeling to pass.

Paul wasn't just a pretty boy to him.

Paul ignored the guilt welling in his chest as he followed Mick down the hallway. He knew that John didn't deserve what he'd done, considering how much better of a person he was.

"Paul, I did you a favor." Mick tugged Paul closer to him and wrapped an arm over his shoulders. "So stop overthinking it. John's going to be fine, hell, he'll probably be even better off without you."

"Guess you're right." Paul mumbled, leaning into Mick's side.

Mick grinned and squeezed Paul's shoulder. "Of course I am, love."

"So... what're we goin' to do?" Paul asked, shoving the thought of John to the back of his mind.

Mick shrugged. "First we gotta leave, I don't fancy what happened to John to happen to me."

Paul winced, remembering how careless they were. Luckily it was Mick who caught them and not another teacher, someone who would've reported them.

Mick lead Paul to his car, unlatched from his shoulder and fished his keys out. He unlocked the door and hopped in the driver seat, Paul sat in the passenger.

Paul chewed his lip as Mick laced their fingers together. He hoped John wouldn't overthink what he'd done to him.

"Oh come on, Paul." Mick nudged Paul. "John's going to get over you, eventually. You might as well get over 'im too."

Paul rested his head on the window. "I feel bad, 's all. John told me he loved me and I jus' left him."

"You didn't leave him at the altar." Mick snorted.

"God, Mick, d'you always have to be a dick?" Paul yanked his hand free from Mick's grasp.

"Yeah." Mick flashed Paul a grin. "Especially to pretty boys like you, Paul."

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