I didn't know you could be this rough

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Scisaac chapter 5:

(Isaacs pov)

I pushed Scott up against the wall pining his arms too.

"I didn't know you could be this rough." I kissed up and down his neck.

"You thought wrong, McCall!" I attempted to take off Scott's shirt but as soon as I let go if his arms, I was pined to the ground by him.

"My turn Lahey." He kissed down my neck, starting from my ear. I started to moan as he found my sweet spot. He softly bit my neck, leaving soft red marks. I slid my hands up his shirt and caressed his sides and abs. He looked me in the eye, but something was wrong. Like a darkness taking over. His eyes turned a dark golden, before he tried to bite me. Fangs grew from his gums and claws from his nails.


Before he could hurt me I got up and ran to the other side of the room, a wolfed out Scott came running towards me. 'Whats wrong with him' I thought to my self running before he jumped. He finally cornered me, with a evil look in his eye. "Scott? What's wrong with you!?" He didn't do anything bit walk strait to me. I closed my eyes thinking that he was going to do something. He coiled his hand around my neck and lifted me into the air. "S-Scott!" I choke out. But it doesn't help. He lifted me away from the wall and threw me across the room, I saw Scott walking towards me. And everything went black

"Isaac?" I opened my eyes, blinded by the light "Scott? Is that you?"

"What happened?" I sat up to see myself covered in blood, cuts, and bruises. I suddenly had a wincing pain in my head, I reach where it was hurting. There was a deep gash. He ran over to me.

"Isaac I'm so sorry!!!"

"It's fine." My voice said shockingly, before I fell back blacking out again

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