Is it a choice?

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Scisaac chapter 7:
(Scott's POV)

I helped Isaac into the car and Lightly kissed him on the cheek. Wait did I really just do that!? I shook my head. I opened the car door and sat down looking at Isaac. I smiled. He smiled back. I started the car and drove back home, I helped him out of the car and into the house. Up the stairs and into our room, I took his crutches, as he laid down in bed, leaning them a against the wall.
"If you need ANYTHING, tell me"
"Ok" he replied "I'll be fine."
I shook my head "no your not, it's my fault your hurt."
"Scott, you didn't mean to!" He yelled
"Just stay put, please. I can't loose you" I eyes swelled up in tears. "I- I'm sorry"

(Isaacs pov)

"Just stay put, please. I can't loose you"
His eyes swell up in tears and one trickled down his cheek. "I- I'm sorry!"
He runs out of the room, slamming the door.
"Scott........." I sighed. I could hear the front door slam shut, and I could hear Scott crying in his car. 'This is my fault, if only if I didn't try to kiss him.' I got up and limped my way into the bathroom. I pit my crutches up against the wall. looking through the cabinets, I tried to find Scott's or ms McCall's razor.
"Finally!" I grabbed the razor and hopped my way to the side of the bath tub. I held the razor to my wrist and slid it a across, again and again. They kept healing. I sighed
"Why, why!? Why do I have to be a werewolf!!?" I made my way downstairs to the kitchen, grabbed the biggest knife I could find and made three deep slits across my wrist. I started to get light headed, and everything went black.

(Scott's POV)

I was crying in my car after I screamed at Isaac.
"I'm sorry,I'm sorry ,I'm sorry ,I'm sorry!" I yelled over and over. When I calmed down I laid my head on the steering wheel. I lifted my head when someone pulled in the driveway. I got out as the time my mom did.
"Mom? What are you doing?" I said confused
"My mom senses are tingling!" She ran into the house and I followed, I smelt blood
"In the kitchen" I told her. We ran into the kitchen to see Isaac on the floor covered in blood and a knife in his hand. We ran over and knelt down on both sides. On his opposite wrist there were three deep cuts. "What did he do?" Blood was gushing out of his wrist. "This is my fault!"
"No it's not, Scott! Go get me the phone."

I ran to get the phone and dialed 911, and gave it to her

"911 what's your emergency?"

"It's Melissa McCall from the hospital. I came home, and found my son's friend on the floor covered in blood!"

"We'll send an ambulance right away!"

"Ok thank you."
She got up and waited at the door, "is Isaac still breathing?"

"Yes. I can hear him, and his heart beat." I sighed "mom, what was he trying to do?" I broke out in tears, she walked over and knelt down.
"I don't know honey.... I'm very sorry" she hugged me. I could hear the ambulance coming down the road. I ran to the door and opened it as it stopped. Three people got out and got the stretcher from the back. They ran up to the door and walked inside. The third stopped by mom and started asking questions. I was back over with Isaac holding his hand, praying, hoping that somehow he'd be okay. They tried to make me let go but I wouldn't. Mom and the lady had to hold me back while the took Isaac outside to the ambulance.
"No!!" I yelled. Mom held me back while the lady ran out to the truck and got in. She let go when they took off, blaring the sirens. I sank to the floor after, crying harder than I ever had before.
"Scott honey, I'm sorry."

"No!! You don't understand!!!" I yelled as my eyes turned yellow

"Scott, calm down!" She put her hand on my back
"Aghhh!" I punched the floor, leaving a dent. "Oh, sorry mom.
"Let's go, get on your bike." She said heading out the door. I stood up and ran other the door getting on my bike. I started it before mom could get in her car. I drove off as fast as I could to the hospital, mom followed. When we got to the hospital we rush into it, and to the front counter.
"Hi, how may I hel-" I cut her off
"What room is Isaac Lahey in?"
"Room 72." I ran that way while mom walked. How could she walk! I found the room, near the E.R. I opened the door and walked in, "Isaac?"
Isaac was lying there looking lifeless. He was asleep. I ran to the side of the bed, pulling a chair up. I sat down and pick up his hand when mom walked in. Tears ran down my check. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." I cried harder, mom came by me and put a hand on my shoulder. "This is my fault mom."
"How, Scott? How is this your fault?"
"I yelled at him!!! For no reason! And he went to try to kill himself...... I'm so so sorry Isaac!" I laid my head down on his hand, when there was a knock at the door.
"Come in." Mom said. I kept my head down, not wanting to be seen crying. The door shut "oh hello, Allison. Come in"

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