I hope this works

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A/N: sorry I've not updated my other story (werewolves: unleashed) I've been busy and the chapters for that story are really long. I'll try to update it. Anyways, back to this story can you guys comment and tell me what you think? Thanks! the story is below :)

Scisaac Chapter 9: hope this works

(Derek's POV)

"Jackson. What are you doing here?" Scott asked

"My dad flew in for some reason, and Lydia told me what happened. So I came to help."

"But you have to be an alpha, Jackson. You're a beta." I said mockingly "we've been over this."

"I'm a alpha now." He flashed his eyes red.

"How?" Peter questions " 'cause be all know you ate NOT a 'true alpha'"

He rolls his eyes and says: "this crazy ass alpha.*cough* Peter *cough* "


"Anyways, some alpha from London attacked me and I accidentally killed him, I was going to punch him and my hand was opened to far and I slashed his throat"

"Like Derek did me?" Peter said pointing at Derek

"Sure, I guess..... Just tell me how to do it. I want to go back to beta, being the alpha sucks! To much happens"

I understand what Jackson is saying, being the alpha is hard work.

"Peter tell him how to do it, I want Isaac back!" Scott said looking at Peter and standing up.

"Ok" he notions Jackson. Jackson sits down and his nails extend. Peter grabs his hand lays it on Isaac's wound less arm

"Right here is where up enter your claws" he taps Isaac's arm "right here is his pulse, if you miss it, it will kill you both."

I look at Scott looking light headed "Scott? Are you ok." I put my hand on his shoulder. He falls back but I catch him and lean him against the wall. "He's scared."

"Ok, but what if I howl?" Jackson questions

"If you control it, you won't."

"Oh god." He takes at deep breath as Peter grabs a pillow from a chair.

"Just incase" he says smiling at Jackson

He brakes through Isaac's skin as a howl tried to escape his throat. Peter places the pillow over Jackson's mouth, his eyes turn from red to a shade of purple, to a cold steal BLUE. Peter removed the pillow and Jackson stood up;

I"I hope I helped someone." He opened the door and walked out

"What was that about?" I asked

"Who knows. It's Jackson."

I sit in the seat Jackson was siting in.

"C'mon Isaac." I Whisper

Isaac's head falls to the side, he grunts

"W-where am- I?" He whispers

"The hospital." I answer

"Why?" He says weakly

"That" I point to his wrist where three deep slashes were

"What I do?"

"You cut yourself."

"With a knife?"

"Why are you asking me theses questions?" I ask

"I dunno." He answers. Peter walks to Scott to wake him up

(Scott's POV)

"Scott!" I hear a voice yell at me

"Huh?" I answer "what happened?"

"Isaac is awake."

"Isaac!" I get up and run to him. I hug him.

"Ow!" He yells

"Oh right.... Sorry"

"It's fine Scotty." He smiles 'I missed that smile'

"I'm glad your awake."

"Who long was I out?"

"Do you really want to know?" I ask

He nods

"Almost a month. Five days from"

He looks confused "so about 25-26 days?"

"There's my smart boy." I ruffle his hair. "I gotta find mom. Derek, Peter will you look for her?"

"Sure..." They answer unsure. The walked out the door. I picked up Isaac's hand a kisses his knuckles.

"Scott.........?" He jerks back to the other side of the bed and throws up a black liquid with white pellets.

Blood and mistletoe.

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