What the hell!??

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A/N: im sorry I haven't updated in a while, been busy with school. Well my mom grounded me today and I'm grounded for a month for not taking out the trash. Yeah I know right. The stupidest punishment ever. 😒🔫. FML. Anyways I don't know when I'll update next, please wait and I'll write them in my secret journal, nobody knows where it's at. So enjoy!!

Scisaac chapter 12: what the hell!
(Third POV)

Stiles walked in on Scott and Isaac-something he didn't want to see
"What the hell stiles!?" Scott yelled crawling off of Isaac
"Uh... You, him...."
"What are you doing here?" Isaac sat up and asked.
"Your mom, she said you'd be home..... Yeah, I'm gonna leave." Stiles closes the door and stares blankly at the wall in front of him. "What the hell were they doing?" He whispers to himself. He sighs and walks out to his jeep.
Scott and Isaac walk out of the room fully clothed and they walk downstairs. The two boys walk out to stiles' jeep and him. Scott taps on the window to see stiles jump from his once hunched over position.
"Stiles, let us explain."
"No. It's fine.... The reason I came is to tell you... Well"
"Well what?" Scott and Isaac said together. They both blushed.
Stiles started his jeep. He lets out a deep sigh. "Der-Derek and I are together! Are you happy now"
"I knew it!" Isaac shouts. "It's about time you guys hooked up! I'm tired of seeing you two make faces at each other. It's creeps me out." Isaac shivers.
Stiles sighs again and backs out.
"Stiles wait!"
He stops. "Wanna have lunch with us?"
He pulls back up and gets out of the car
"You had me at lunch!" He replies. The three boys laugh and walk inside.
"So, what you cooking?" Obvious stiles ask
"I was gonna make sandwiches and have a coke to drink.... But what do you want?" Scott ask obviously annoyed.
"I was gonna ask for a ham sandwich, thank you"
Scott fixes the three sandwiches and sits down at the table, handing stiles and Isaac their food. After the meal they all sat on the couch and watched tv. Scott sat beside Isaac with his head on Isaac's shoulder. Isaac laid his arm on the arm of the couch and leaned his head on his hand. The two boys slowly fell asleep. Stiles soon did too. In the middle of their afternoon 'cat nap' the front door burst open.

Standing there was the twins- holding their claws to Derek's neck

A/N: and again sorry for not updating and I prob won't update for an awhile. :( sorry. I'll try my best.

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