This isn't your fault

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Scisaac chapter 6:

(Isaac's pov)

I woke up in a lightly lit room. Someone standing over me
"Scott! " they said "he's waking up." Scott ran into the room looking worried.
"Isaac, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened!" He said tears swelling in his eyes
"I-I'm fine...." After awhile my vision got clearer, the man before was Dr. Deaton. I was at the clinic.
"Deaton, what happened?" I asked him
"You and Scott were at the train station, he attacked you out of nowhere."
"Will he heal?" Scott asked with sorrow in his voice
"He should just like normal." But something still feels wrong, Deaton and Scott aren't telling me something. "Can I go home?" I asked
"Yes, but let me get some painkillers for you to take." He came back with 3 bottles of pills. "This one is for headaches, his cuts and bruises, and the last for extra. Take two, only two of each!"
"Ok thanks doc." I get up but stumble, Scott catches me. One hand on my chest one on my back. "I'm fine."
"Here." Deaton says handing me crutches
"No your not! And this is my fault! I'm going to help you, weather you like it or not" he said walking out the door, and holding it for me. I limped out. He opens the car door and helps me in, before he closed the door he planted a kiss on my cheek. Something was going on that I didn't know about. But did Scott just kiss me on the cheek?

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