The Errant Heiress_MiloshPetrik

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Title: The Errant Heiress

Username: MiloshPetrik

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Humor

Rating: PG-13

# Of Chapters I’ve Read: 14/14 (completed)

Other Works I’ve Read: Blank.


A grizzled detective, a clueless blond assistant, a heinous crime. Sounds like your cup of bourbon-laced tea? Then, click right on here!

I used to update this (almost) every Sunday. I don't do that anymore. Because it is complete.


I actually found this author because of Lady_Lucia, who was constantly interacting with him (and I clearly stalk all my WP friends).

So I initially read ‘Blank’, a quite hilarious short-story that you should all read because it’s awesome (I especially loved the ending). Seriously though…I think I’ve made around ten people I personally know read it so far, and they’ve all loved it.

Still…I resisted reading anything else, because I wasn’t sure about the genres: usually horror, fantasy and/or science fiction (Lady has a tendency of reading a lot of fantasy novels that I usually can’t get into).

That is until ‘The Errant Heiress’, which is labeled mystery/ humor…clearly my cup of tea (laced with something other than bourbon, I’m not a fan of it).

And I have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised; I found an author whose writing style I absolutely love.

Milos (sorry I don’t know how to do the proper s) has several short-stories on his profile, and I plan to read through his work as soon as I go through my current reading list…and I could probably add to this when I have read other work.

So this book is one (if not the only) longer pieces of work that this author has on WP, but it’s still a short story with only fourteen parts (1 or sometimes 2 pages each). It’s written in first person, which I actually like to read (although I don’t have preference, I know some people do).

The story itself is reminiscent of a 1920’s / 1940’s crime novel; the writing just recalls the language and style of that era when crime fiction was most popular.

As a mystery/crime fiction obsessed girl…this is something that I really enjoyed. Having a detective swivel around in their chair, listening to some dame’s problems…it all just made me very happy.

But this story is also humorous and quite snarky. Nina, the M.C. has a feisty personality; she isn’t afraid of anything, and can be a little rough around the edges. If you pair that with a pretty naïve, yet adorable assistant named Sven, then it creates magic (seriously though, I even named one of my new characters Sven. Even though I didn’t realize it, Lady was quick to point it out).

Nina is a detective (duh), and some dame (new favorite word) walks into her office with a case. The story is filled with several interesting characters, but Nina and Sven are my favorites. They’re both really well developed, and I’d love to read more about them.

So after they get the case…it may involve the mafia, cops and some other sketchy people. Danger abounds, and I have to admit that although I had several theories…I didn’t really guess the end correctly.

The story is short, so it is pretty fast paced…but it doesn’t seem like it. The author has good timing, as well as just being a great author overall. Which astounds me when I look at his reads…I don’t understand why more people aren’t reading his work.

If you like mysteries…or are just in the mood for something fun, then you need to read ‘The Errant Heiress.”

 Overall Rating: ★★★★★

Author's Note-

Check out my interview with MiloshPetrik in my interview book.

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