Story 6

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Regular day. Saw a baby huntsman on the wall. Squashed it. Whatever.

Later that day. Saw another baby huntsman on the wall. 'Haven't I already squashed this one...?'  Squashed it.  Weird, whatever.

That night. Walked into my bedroom. 'There are baby huntsmen on the floor...' 'WTF THEYRE DROPPING FROM THE CEILING!!' (They went plop plop plop on the ground and in my hair)
I looked up and there were about 80 spider babies on the roof, scuttling around, coming down on webs and some just jumping off like little adrenaline junkies.

I screamed. I do that a lot around spiders btw.
Mum dad and Emily (sister) came into the room. Emily squealed. Mum was like 'crap girls I told you this would happen' (the sad thing is, she did) and dad left to get the bug spray.
Mum braved up and went to where she thought the spiders were coming from, and I followed her.
She drew the curtain back and sure enough, this huge egg sack was hanging there with hundreds of spiderlings pouring out.

Dad sprayed all the roof and everywhere else, then vacuumed the spiders up after they had finished dropping from all over the place.

Emily slept on the couch. She was terrified, poor darling. Then again, her bed was the one right next to the curtains.

We were never the same again @~@

We never did find the mother 😬

We never did find the mother 😬

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