Vengance is mine

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21/02/2008 04:05 The Lounge, Willowcombe Manor.

The sound of the roar echoes through the building, and brings a sudden stop to the argument between Hope and Anoushka. Minerva looks up at the two women and voices the "What was that?" they are all thinking.

Angelica half moves to the door but Meaghan pulls her back. "No. It is the beast." She looks at the Anoushka for confirmation.

Anoushka stares back at her. "Let me see." Her eyes go distant for a second as she enacts a charm but when they come back into focus she swallows in fear. "I can not see what is happening in the temple." She confesses.

Minerva glares at her. "How can that be? They should be in the sight of the goddess."

Anoushka shakes her head. "I can no longer see through her."

"Then the temple has fallen." Hope says. She lifts her hand pointing an accusative finger. "I told you you should have never allowed the mating. Why didn't you stop them? This is your sanctuary. It was your duty to protect it. Now it has been violated and SHE has abandoned us."

"Shut up Hope." Meaghan snaps. "Can't you see your accusations are irrelevant now. "

"Mistress Dream, What should we do?" Angelica pleads

Anoushka steps back away from her, her face full of fear. "I can not feel her presence." She says. Her eyes search round the room as if she is looking for something, confusion on her face. "I can not see..." She echoes again, collapsing back down onto the sofa.

There is a second deep growl. This time it resonates through the fabric of the building. The women stare towards the door silenced again by the noise.

"Mistress Dream?" Angelica pleads.

"Can't you see she is useless now? Without the goddess to guide her she is nothing." Hope dismisses. "And with out the temple this place is no longer a sanctuary."

Minerva twists towards the door. "Some thing is coming." She warns. " I can feel it."


The ancient god stalks towards the archway. As he approaches the amber crystal flares with a shattering light. He growls at it, sensing the ward designed to prevent any man entering the inner sanctum. His hands reach out the the wooden surround reminding the tree that made it of what it was before it was violated by man. The carved leaves shift and change and he wills them back into life. His aim had been just to distupt the ward but as the trees whisper to him of the evil that has be fallen them he sees there is more needed. The wood shifts, the amber crystal raising up and away from the arch on a long thickening shaft.

A grin of glee erupts on the Green Mans have as he perverts the temples focus. Twisting it away from the goddess and to his own desires. Around him saplings erupt from wooden panels as he transforms the carvings into real living plants. The effect spreads rapidly from one panel to the next. Climbing upwards to claim the carvings on the minstrels balcony. As the wooden roof beams submit to his will he can hear the slates sliding and crashing down on to the ground around the house.

He looks round, examining the new woodland clearing in pleasure. Now he has grove he needs his worshipers. He lifts his head to the moon now visible through the shattered roof and howls a summons. Calling and welcoming playmates to his grove.


Kirsty huddles in the foot well as roof tiles crash down onto the yard only a few feet from the car. She closes her eyes and whimpers, clutching the weapon. As the crashing noise stops she decides to risk peeping up to try and find out what is happening. But the howl of a massive wolf forces her back into the shadows again. She sits shaking in fear.

Across the yard the same noise that terrified Kirsty, shocks the men awaken. The roar resonates with something deep in their psyche enflaming the powerful need to obey. But almost instantly they know that this is not the summons of their mistresses, This is some thing more masculine and powerful. It rips into the charm of obedience and twists it from servile worship of the Sheela Na gig to a joyful devotion to the Lord of the Trees.

Hidden in her car Kirsty sees the door to the slaves quarters burst open and the men tumble out onto the dirt floor in their eagerness. They crawl and stagger towards the shattered door leading into the temple, streaming round the car in their driving desire to join the celebration the howl offered them.

Kirsty shifts round peeping over the back of the seat. Although she knows it might reveal her handing place, she has to know what is going on. The men 'dance' into the temple and vanish into the trees. She stares in disbelief at the vision through the door. Her eyes climbing up the walls of the house, now covered with a thick ivy. Against the dark sky she can see the branches of a giant oak tree. A plant that should be centuries old from its size but which has appeared in only a few minutes. She slides back down into the footwell.


The Green man looks round at his new worshipers, slightly amazed at the ease with which they turned to him. It bodes well, if all humans are this easy to convert then he will soon be back to his old position of power. He beckons over one he senses was in his prime before he submitted. The mans flesh is so soft as he examines it. The muscles unworked and a layer of lazy fat. He stares into the human's soul, feeling for its deepest desires so that he might inflame them. He finds a burning hatred for the women that captured him. The god realises with joy that these mortals are kindred spirits, they too have been wronged. He feels their desire for revenge and knows that they will be all to willing instruments of his vengeance. All he needs to do is equip them with the tools they need.


Stu is carrying Lora down the steps when he feels the summons. It runs through him with a powerful shudder. As he looks down at the unconscious woman he can feel a heat in his head. His vision blurs strangely, the colours distorting. The hands around the girl turn grey as fur erupts form the skin. He hears Windthrope gasp behind him. Without thinking he slaps at her neck with his new flexible tail. The he stares down at the offering. He can feel his lord recognising the scent of the woman. The creature that was Stu lifts her to his face so he can breath in the scent himself. The woman is fresh and fertile and his Lord wants her.

The woman behind him tries to grab at him, but she is old a weak and no use to the Lord. Holding his prize close to his chest he kicks at the old woman with the long claws his Lord has gifted him. She drops the the floor, screaming in agony and her belly bleeding. He is considering the kill when he realises the need to take the offering back to his master has a higher priority. He jumps, spinning in the air with a skill and athleticness that his old body could never have hoped to obtain. The tails curls around his body helping him balance. He knows he has pleased his Lord and this new form is just his first rewarded.

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