So much for the weekend

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16:45 15th Feb 2008 - Asylum HQ

Warren DeMontford closes the draw on his office desk, feeling the familiar tickle on the skin of his hand as the security ward resets itself. He looks up across the SWORD duty office at Bill already waiting with his coat on. It's been a busy week and the prospect of letting White watch take the brunt of the work for the next few days is all too welcome.

"Come on boss. We are off the clock and the Lock is calling." Al slaps his elbow on the way past.

War smiles, pulling in his jacket. But as he turns towards the door is face falls.

Standing in the door way, blocking their hopeful exit, is the tall gaunt figure of Private Secretary North. His eyes scan round the room with an intense gaze, almost as if he is committing every desk, computer and piece of paper to memory. Eventually the interrogating eyes rest on Warren's own. The man smiles. It is a learnt expression - the mouth moving without any of the normal roles that the rest of face taking place.

"Ah Captain. Before you go..."

Bill closes his eyes and grimaces silently. Al puts his bag back down on the table.

"I need a brief word."

"Word?" Bill says hopefully.

North turns to him, almost as if he was unaware the man was there. "Mr Ross, this does not concern you, there is no need for you or Mr Springer to remain."

"We are getting a lift with the Boss, Boss." Al says gesturing to Warren.

"Then you will have to make your own way to your destination, Mr Springer. I require the Captain."

Al looks over to Warren, but War just sighs and nods.

Bill and Al slide through the door past the Private secretary. North watches them go then turns his attention back to War.

"I have need of your skills Captain." He turns and gesture out of the office. "If you come this way I can get you briefed."

War follows the Private Secretary out and towards the staircase. At the end of the corridor he can see Bill and Al getting into the lift, Bill giving a tormenting wave as the door closes.

"Is this going to be long sir?" War asks, "Only I'm rostered off for the week end, and I had plans."

"Unfortunate." North says as he opens the heavy fire door to the stairwell. "You will have to cancel them."

War sighs. There is no point in arguing the point. North barely gets the concept of sleep, the idea of leave and toil is completely beyond him. War doubts the man even acknowledges the existence of 'family' let alone work life balance. But working for an organisation that does not officially exist makes any thought of industrial tribunal redundant. Besides, company gossip has it that North has more direct ways of dealing with such disputes; ways that chime all to well with the phrase "sleep when you're dead." As irritating as the lack of R&R is, it is not annoying enough for him to go "interfering with the trains".

North leads him out on the fourth floor; arcane analysis. It's an area War has been avoiding for the last six months. Emrys's office is still sealed up with the tape applied after the inquiry. He wonders if one day they will simply board up the door and paper over it- deny the man ever existed. He is hit with a brief morbid curiosity, pondering if anything has been removed. Suddenly he is hit with the existence of some giant mould beast, enchanted by its proximity to Emrys many trinkets and charms, lurking in the bread bin and waiting for the next hand to feast on.

"This way Captain." North says pointedly, his hand resting on Wars elbow to ease him past the door. It is only the contact that alerts War to the fact he had actually stopped walking and was staring at the door.

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