Situation terminated

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21/02/2008 06:00 am The yard, Willowcombe Manor

Kirsty sits in the Vantage. She can hear the shots echoing from the other side of the destroyed building, but some how War's 'get in the car' rings louder in her ears than they do.

The noise drifts away to silence and stillness that is so deep, in her fear heightened awareness, she becomes aware of her own heartbeat. A shadow comes through the debris of the house again. Her guardian returning, the gun hanging almost casually from his hand, but his face is the same emotionless determination that commanded her to get in the car. He ignores her, moving to the back of the vehicle. She shifts the mirror to try and see what he is doing but he lifts the boot and blocks her view. She can hear things being moved in the back of the car. A series of thumps and clunks. As he drops the lid down again she can see he is now clothes in a blue knitted jumper and a pair of navy track suit bottoms. The shot gun has vanished but he is holding some thing that glints in the yards security lights.

He turns heading back towards the house. Kirsty shakes herself, determined that this time she not be left behind. She gets out of the car and jogs after him, calling his name.

He stops, turning slowly towards her and looking her up and down. There is a slight shiver in his shoulders then he says. "What do you want Dr Goddard?"

His tone shocks her, the voice is softer than the earlier command. The accent barely noticeable, but still respectful. She realises that it is the first voice she hears from him when North introduced her, what now feels like years ago.

"And explanation." She says.

He looks at her, emotion in the eyes now, though is is a sadness that speaks of her betrayal. As if in confirmation he says. "You bewitch me, beat me, give me to the women to use as a sacrifice and YOU want an explanation?"

She swallows nervously.

He shakes his head and starts to walk away. With a sigh he says. "I am doing my job."

She follows him. On the far side she can see the result of his 'work'. Angelica sits on the grass, her arms wrapped round herself and rocking slightly. Just beyond her are the remains of the Green Mans hounds. She only caught a glimpse of them before but now, even with the damage War's bullets have inflicted, she can see all too clearly the creatures the men became. She can understand why Angelica is in shock.

War walks past the woman, ignoring her. Still she flinches away from him, clear expecting some level of retaliation from the man. He starts to drag the twisted corpses into a single pile. His actions leaving streaks of red on the grass. He pauses as he lifts one of the bodies, staring at it for a moment. A questioning 'hmmm' drifts from his lips and attracts Kirsty's attention.

"What is it?" She asks.

"This one was female." He says, lifting it by a fore limp and turning it towards the two women. "Vestigial breasts." He turns and looks round at the corpses and frowns. "I'm down a male body." He observes. His tone dispassionately matter of fact. He looks to the house. "But I'm also down 11 Women so..." He sighs, dragging the corpse over to the rest. "If they were in there when it fell they are gone now."

"What happened?" Angelica gasps.

"The Green Man claimed the temple and house as his own. He rejuvenated the wood so it could grow again. When his spirit was banished the effect reverted." War says. "The everything rotted. It could no longer support the fabric of the house." War says.

"And the people?" Angelica asks. She turns to look at War.

He stares at her, breathing out slowly before replying. "If they were in the sphere of his influence I guess they rotted too."

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