Preparing a feast of flesh

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19/02/2008 20:00 Outside the Chapel of Sheela na gig, Willowcombe Manor.

Kirsty hurries to the staircase, her boy in tow, but before she can reach it the door to Garnette rooms open. The man emerges once more, but this time Garnette herself is with him. She fixes Kirsty with a stern gaze before glancing past her at Warren. Then she smiles.

"Kirsty, my dear, I thought you and your boy would like to enjoy the feast of flesh with myself and my first." She gestures to the man beside her.

Kirsty frowns. "I..." She glances at Warren and then realises he has the fawning expression of obedience on his face. She is struck for a second with confusion, uncertain why she expected anything difference. "I was planning on joining the sisters."

"Please Kirsty, I saw you respond at the time of your binding. It was clear to any one with eyes your true joy came from your boys attentions, and we all know what you have been up to in your rooms with him since. I doubt you are a lipstick lesbian any more than I am. Do you really want to reduce yourself to that?"

Kirsty swallows. She knows her plan to take control revolves around her active participation in the orgy. It is clear Garnette is trying to prevent that, but she does not know if the woman's comments are genuine or if her earlier strange behaviour before her slave has make the woman suspicious. She pulls herself up right to bluff it out.

"Mistress Garnette. I mean no disrespect, but it was obvious from your comments yesterday the feast of flesh is not really your thing. However I am not so prudish as you, and I am very keen to join my sisters and explore all the delights they have to offer."

"Really?" Garnette dead pans back.

"Yes, so if you will excuse me." Kirsty moves to walk past her. As she draws level with the woman her slave reaches out to grab her arm and stop her. Kirsty is only aware of a sudden flurry of movement out of the corner of her eye. Something bumps into her, pushing her forward and there is a cry of pain. As she turns to see what is going on Garnette yells.

"Unhand my slave, boy."

First instantly lets go of the suited man, now kneeling on the floor and clutching his wrist. The hand is at an odd angle and it is clear that the wrist is dislocated at least. Garnette glares at kirsty, hatred in her eyes. "Control your beast."

"Warren!" Kirsty chastises firmly, without really thinking about the name she used. Her slave shivers and for a moment she sees a look of confusion in his face. He looks down at the injured man and frowns. He reaches down as if to offer to help the man stand but Garnette pushes him away. "Don't you dare touch him you thug."

"With me now." Kirsty commands. She leads Warren down the stairwell and into a small library across the hall, narrow windows look out onto the court yard and she can see one of the slaves, a young man, already running from the slave quarters with a first aid kit.

War closed the door behind them both.

"Ok kirsty, what the fuck is going on?" War asks.

"What is the last thing you remember?" Kirsty demands, starting to pace.

"Before just now upstairs." He frowns. "I've got hazy bits but mostly going to find a way out of here and getting caught by a tree." He studies her carefully. "Looking for the car keys." He shakes his head then looks at her suspiciously. "I am guessing most of what I'm remembering right now is not going to go into any debrief James might be reading."

She turns and looks at him, biting her lip, trying to push down the guilt at her infidelity

"And apparently I'm to be sacrificed." He prompts.

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