Breakfast with tyranny

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17/02/2008 10AM - Kirsty's Room, Willowcombe Manor

Kirsty awakens late, the sun high in sky through her window. She stretches feeling refreshed from her long rest, and moves to her window. She passed looking at the view, trying to work out what has changed. The gardens are laid out before her, short box hedges creating a love maze leading towards the metal gazebo. Her eyes raise up the white painted structure and she frowns. The tree, a large oak half way down the slope, directly on the far side of the gazebo from her window. It is a magnificent tree, it's branches forming a fan of dark against the bright sky. The problem is she is sure it was not there when she had admired the view the night before. She shakes herself, feeling foolish. Trees that large do not appear overnight. It is on the far side of the gazebo. In the dark she probably missed it against the tree line beyond. She turns from the window, heading to the small en-suite to get ready for the day.

As she pulls on her shoes there is a discrete knock at the door. A soft feminine voice, "Mistress Morgan, Mistress Dream sent me to show you to the lounge." The girl beyond the door looks young, maybe in her mid teens at most. She is clothed in a long white dress, gathered at the waist with a thick red velvet ribbon tied in a bow in her left hip. She curtseys slightly to Kirsty as the door opens. "Did you sleep well Mistress?"

Kirsty frowns, confused by the girls use if the honorific title. "Yes, thank you. I was wondering if you could tell me where Warren is?"

"Warren?" the Girl looks at her confused.

"The man who came here with me. There are somethings I need to discuss with him this morning."

The girl smiles. "Ah, breakfast first. Mistress Dream will have him brought over later."

The girl shows Kirsty down an elegant staircase and into a comfortable morning room. A pair of French windows open out onto the same formal garden she had admires from her window. Chaise lounge and sofas have been arranged around a cluster of low wooden tables laid out with tea things, elegant little finger rolls and dainty cakes.

Nou stands as she enters, holding her arms wide in greeting. "Kirsty darling, come on it. I want you to meet everybody."

Kirsty looks round the room. There are around a dozen women present, some of whom she recognises from her previous Women Alive meetings. To her surprise there is no sign of Stacey Broadton, who has been a significant feature in the past. Nou takes her arm and leads her round the room.

"I am sure you have met Finola Winthorpe and Livvy Boon." She says pausing before two women sharing the same chaise lounge such that Livvy, the younger, is reclining against the grey haired Nola.

Livvy circles one hand lazily in the air. "Of course, we attended the talk Kirsty gave on the use of her kiln. It was most enlightening." She smiles up. "I hope this time with use will leave your similarly informed."

Nola strokes her fingers along Livvy's out stretched arm gently guiding it back to her side. "Yes Ms Morgan, I am so glad you could join us."

Nou turns Kirsty to the next table and the four women sat around it. These are all younger women, unknown to Kirsty, "Tamsin Colclough, Angelica Bray, Minerva Oliver and Meaghan Royal." Nou explains.

Bray leans forward, pouring tea from large pot into a waiting cup. "Finally we meet you, we have heard so much about you Kirsty, and your creations." Bray voice is shot through with a distinct welsh accent.

"Yes we do not get to the smoke to see such things. We are the pour country relations." Minerva teases gently. "We must make do with photos and accounts of others more fortunate."

"Now Minerva," Nou chastises gently. "You know you are welcome to visit any time you want."

"As long as we have a guard dog." Meaghan adds sharply.

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