Chapter 5

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"Now, I'm not saying that I want to leave America, I'm just saying that killer clowns and the presidential candidates make it hard to want to stay," I say to Simon.

I've only had a few drinks, but it feels like so much more. Penny and Baz walk behind us, probably pretending they don't know us. I figure that come tomorrow morning, I will have plenty of pictures to fill me in on what I don't remember.

"Well, you're always welcome in England. I think the queen right now is pretty great, and everyone here thinks clowns are creepy anyway. They might as well just ban clownship."


"The act of being a clown," Simon slurs.

"Now that's not such a bad idea, there, Simon."

"I was just thinking off the top of my head."


Baz groans. "Why on earth‒"

"Just- wait a second. I want to see if they suggest we hit this pub as well."

"Hey, Baz." Simon turns around. "Baz. Basil. Basilton. Tyr-"

"Just give it up, man. I don't think he's paying attention. He's too busy staring at your ass," Micah says, winking at Baz and me.

"Bunce, I question your taste in men."

"And I yours, Pitch."

"I question my taste on a daily basis." We chuckle.

I really do like Baz. He's a lot of fun to hang out with. During the summer, when he was home from Uni all the time, we would sit and have a glass of wine and talk. It was nice. I miss that sometimes. Not that Simon couldn't do that, it's just... I don't know. Sometimes, I wish we were closer to Agatha. She would understand.


"So, last time I really talked to you, I didn't hear anything about a boyfriend." Micah's voice drops down to a loud whisper.

"When was the last time you really talked to me?"

Micah giggles. "I think it was the first day of Christmas break our senior year."

"Senior year? Micah, we're in England, use the Queen's English."

"Right, of course." Micah clears his throat and continues in a very fake, very exaggerated British accent. "It must have been, oh, I don't know, 8th year? Fiddlesticks, how long ago was that?"

We laugh. I'm pretty sure I hear Baz roll his eyes. (He has a very extreme, very loud eye roll.)

"Well, that explains it. Baz and I got together during Holiday. I think it's quite a romantic story, really. He was going to set himself on fire, and I kissed him, and he kissed me, then he put the fire out and‒ " I stop. Baz has too. He looks at me like he's going to kill me. Micah must not know. "‒ and we went back to his place and stayed up all night eating leftovers and snogging. Then, of course, a bunch of shit happened‒ his family's mansion burnt down, Ebb got killed, I killed the Mage- accidentally, of course-, I lost my magick and got stuck with these shits," I gesture to my wings and tail, "but in the end, Baz and I ended up coming out together at the Leavers' Ball. Like I said. Very romantic."

"Woah. You could write a book on that."

"I know, right? I keep telling Penny that she could do most of it, and Baz and I could fill in the other chapters. I'm thinking 59 through 62 should be focused on Baz and me."

"Why those ones?"

"I don't know. I just really like those numbers."

"Hmm. Seems legit."

"Yup." We laugh.

"So, you're gay then?"



"I guess. I mean, I don't really think about it. All I know is I love Baz and he is all I need. I don't really care about much else."

"That's real nice, Simon."

"Yeah. It is."


I never knew that's how Simon felt. Apparently, neither did Penelope.

"Has he ever said that to you before?" She asks.

"Not once."

"That was really sweet." She sighs lightly.

I smile and walk a little faster to catch up with Simon. I wrap my arms around his waist. He stops and mumbles something.

"What's that?" I ask.

"I have a boyfriend. I love him."

"I know, Simon. I am your boyfriend."

"I'm pretty sure I know my boyfriend. He's really pretty. And he has really sharp cheekbones. Like, I could cut our wedding cake with them."

I look over at Bunce. She's suppressing laughter.

"Our wedding cake, huh?"

"Yeah... Hey, wait a minute. That's you. You're my boyfriend, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am."

"Some guy tried to hug me. I just thought you should know."

"Yes, that was me, love."


"How much have you had to drink?"

"Probably too much. Are you sure you're my boyfriend? You're really handsome."

"I'm sure. Let's get a cab for the rest of the way."

Penny hails a cab and we all get in. Micah and Simon sit in the back. I go to sit up front but Simon pulls me in next to him.

Simon looks at me very seriously. "Basilton," He says, "I. Love. You." I smile. Then his eyes go wide. His hand shoots to his back. "Have I always had these?" He whispers.

"Yes, love. Since eighth year. Now stop talking."


"Snow, you've had too much to drink. You'll end up saying something stupid."

"Like, what? Marry me?"

I stop. Simon looks up at me.

"Simon-" My voice falters.

He leans his head against my shoulder. I can feel him smile. "You called me Simon."

The cab stops in front of the apartment. I wave of relief washes over me. "C'mon, love. Let's get you to bed. You'll have a hard enough time tomorrow as it is."

We walk in the door and Penny helps Micah to her room. I take Simon into his.

I strip him down to his boxers and undershirt and help him into the bed. I start to walk away so I can get my pyjamas on, but he grabs my wrist.

"I mean it. At least, I could at one point. I love you. I want to marry you."

"I know, love. Now get some sleep." I kiss his hand and he smiles.

I really hope that he remembers what he said tomorrow. Or maybe I don't. I'm not sure. I know Bunce will remember. Maybe it was just his drunken thoughts.

It was probably just his drunken thoughts.



You guys like that ending there? Cause I sure did

This chapter was so much fun to write, you have no idea

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