Chapter 11

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"Oh my god I can't do this. I literally cannot do this." I look in the mirror at my reflection. "I mean, I can't make everything perfect so what's the point. I should have just eloped in Vegas like a normal American." I know it's pointless talking out loud. I mean, there's no one else here. I'm about to start talking myself down when someone knocks on the door. I hope it's Baz. Or my best man.

I walk over to the door and look through the peephole. I don't see anyone, but I open it anyway. I poke my head out to see Agatha pacing a few feet past the door. She sees me and runs over.

"Is there anyone here besides you?" She asks. She sounds stressed.

"No, why?"

"I just needed to get out of the bridesmaids' room. There is so much energy in there and so many British accents and it was such an overload. I figured an American voice might help."

"Oh, well you're just in time for my epic prewedding freakout."

"Ooh, I've heard good reviews. The Times said it was a show that you should avoid if at all possible. I think the Post said that it was, quote, 'The most terrifying thing since IT,' which sounds very promising."

"Oh yeah. I might as well catch you up. It started with 'I can't do this, I should have eloped in Vegas'. Now I'm halfway across the world in Italy. I don't even speak Italian. I took French in elementary school. Why didn't we do it in France? France is a romantic place. Or any country that speaks English! I hear that Germany is very lovely this time of year, and I think they speak good English. Agatha, I'm losing my mind, and this is supposed to be the happiest day of my life."

"Yeah," Agatha says. Then she slaps me in the face. "I hope that helps. I tried to channel Penelope. I feel like I did a good job, but it took a lot of energy, and I don't want to have to cover your face with foundation before your wedding, so you'd better not make me do that again."

I smile. "That was much needed, thanks."

"So," she says, "walk me through this. I mean, you love Penny, and you have a weird bromance with Simon, and Baz is... well, Baz is Baz. So what is going on inside your head that's sending out warning alarms?"

"I just want everything to be perfect. I mean, Penny is the most amazing person I've ever met, and I really want this to go well. And I want our families to get along, and for Baz's family to chill the fuck out and be less edgy than normal. And I can't help but worry that something is gonna go wrong like someone is gonna get sick in the middle of the service, or someone doesn't understand that we're doing to back to back services, or that‒"

"Stop. Micah, none of these things are things you can control. That's why you have me, and the rest of the wedding party. I mean, at least let me and Jared‒ that is your best man's name right?"

"Yeah, Jared."

"Okay. At least let me and Jared take care of it. That's why you guys trusted us. I know it's hard not to have control on such important matters, but you know that we'll take care of everything."

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Ags. Oh, I need a new nickname for you other than Ags. Because there was this girl at college last year named Agatha who followed me everywhere and nagged me about everything, and we called her Ags that Nags, and now that's just forever in my head. I think I'll call you Cath."

"Where on Earth do you get 'Cath' from?"

"Okay, so I figure I drop the first and last A's from your name, but that's 'Gath' and that's just weird, and if you change the G to a C, it sounds more like a name. It's like Cathy but shorter."

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