Chapter 7

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"I can't believe you're leaving already," Simon says.

"Well, it has been a week, Simon."

"It doesn't feel like it," Simon mumbles.

We're sitting in the kitchen at the island. Simon has a cup of tea in each hand. He claims one is for Baz, but he's eyeing it like it won't last that long. I have a smoothie that Penny made yesterday, but I'm not sure if I want to drink it. I think it has spinach in it. And peaches. I'm not fond of peaches.

"It's like having a delicious carpet in your mouth," Penny said once.

"I don't want a carpet in my mouth. I want food in my mouth," I replied.

The little pig timer goes off, shaking me out of my thoughts of disdain. Simon grins. You'd think that he would despise scones, as they are a reminder of a large part of his life that disappeared. He doesn't though. It almost seems like he enjoys them more.

"Penny," Simon shouts, "if you don't get out here soon, all of these scones will be gone. Every single one of them."

"Simon," Penny calls from the bedroom, "if you eat all of those scones, I may just cast a These Aren't the Droids You're Looking For on all the ingredients for scones so you'll have to go out and buy them. And we both know you don't have enough money to fund your addiction."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"You want to test that idea?"

Simon looks at me. "I wouldn't if I were you," I say. "She probably would."

Simon frowns. He looks over at the bedroom, then back at the tray in his hands. He takes one off the pan and looks longingly at the rest of them. I honestly can't understand how someone can be so in love with scones. They're dry and crumbly. And they have too much flour in them.

I finish my smoothie and pour myself a cup of tea. The only reason I'm drinking it is because I need the caffeine, and there still isn't any way to make coffee in their apartment. It's unacceptable.


"Shit!" I hear Penny yell.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask.

"Oh, I think I broke my leg. It's fine."

"Here, let me cast a Back to Start," Baz says.

"No! Look, if you broke your leg, Back to Start doesn't guarantee it'll set right. You need to see a Normal doctor," I say, running into Penny's bedroom. She's sitting on the ground with her back against a bookshelf.

"Simon, it's not that big of a deal. It'll be fine."

"It absolutely won't be," I insist.

"Fine, but at least let me get Micah to the airport first."

I stare at her in disbelief. "Penny, you broke your leg! How do you expect to drive him there?"

"I'll magick the car."

I groan.

"I'll take him," Baz volunteers.

"There," Micah says, "see? Problem solved. Now Simon can take Pen to the Urgent Care Center and I can catch my flight." He walks over to Penny and picks her up, carrying her bridal style.

"I'm not going to some Urgent Care Center," Penny says as Micah carries her out. "I'll have Simon take me to see Doctor Wellbelove."

I look over at Baz. "Are you sure you want to take Micah to the airport? I mean, I could take him and you could take Penny."

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