Chapter 6

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I wake up to the god awful noise of a blender.

"Baz," I mumble, "I swear to‒ to someone! If you don't stop that noise right now, I will kill someone."

My face is pushed into my pillow, so I can't see anything, but I hear Baz walk into the room.

"Ah, Sleeping Beauty is awake. I didn't even have to kiss you to rouse you from your deep slumber," He says, amused.

"What time is it?"

"12:05, love."

I groan. "Is the room dark?"

He stays silent for a moment, then says, "Very. I can only see because of my vampire vision."

"Then why don't I believe you?"

"I don't know. But I can promise you that the room is not bright."

"I'm trusting you, Basil," I say. I roll over and open my eyes. The light is blinding. I groan and throw a pillow towards the sound of Baz's laughter.

"Well, it's not too bright for me. You, however, are pretty hungover."

"What happened last night?"

"Well, Bunce and I each had a glass of wine at dinner and then a beer at the first bar we stopped at. You and Micah, well, you guys each had a beer at dinner, then a beer at every bar we stopped at. Then a few shots at the last one."

"How many bars did we go to?"

"Oh, five or six, if I had to guess. Also, there was one point when I was not with you for a good five minutes, so you might have had another drink during that time."

I groan. "Why did you let me do that?"

"You get pretty funny when you're drunk. And then super sweet. Also, I tried to stop you, but you wouldn't listen to me."

"Did I say anything I'm going to regret later?"


"Baz," I say, in the most serious tone I can muster, "what did I say?"

"Nothing bad. Just talking about how much you love me."

"Can you get me some Advil? Like, ten of them?"

"I can give you two, but you're going to have sit up. Then, you should probably get out of bed. I made a greasy breakfast."

"I know, I can smell it, it's sickening."

"Love, you're hungover, everything is sickening," Baz calls from the bathroom.

"Just shut up and give me the painkillers."

"I like drunk you much better than hungover you."

"I was just thinking the same thing."

Baz walks back into the bedroom with a glass of water. He sets it on my bedside table, then hands me the pills.

"You really should be more aware of how much you drink. It could get you in trouble some day."

I down the pills then take another sip of water. "I know. But it's not like I do this all the time. Only on special occasions."

He offers his hand and I take it, pulling myself up. He kisses my cheek, then walks back into the kitchen.


"Well," I say, as Baz walks back into the kitchen, "at least one of them is up."

"'Up' is pushing it," Baz says, pouring himself another cup of tea.

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