Beautiful Soul

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It was a beautiful day in the nice, quiet suburban neighborhood where the Phoenixes’ lived.  Little kids were playing in sandboxes, older kids were playing basketball, and the parents were all either at work or watching over the kids. But the thing happening in the Phoenixes’ house wasn’t a pretty picture like the outside.

“Stop!” Macy Phoenix Screamed as her seventeen year old brother, Mark Phoenix pushed her into the wall, twice.

“You’re such a little baby! Toughen up, bitch.” Mark spat at his fourteen year old sister, Macy. All Mark ever did with Macy was fight. Sometimes he’d even abuse her physically. She had no clue why, what did she do to make him do this? Then Mark laughed, and walked away. He left Macy there crying, with two bruises on her back.  She sighed and got up.  She went into the plush, purple bathroom a few rooms down. She looked in the mirror and all she saw was someone who was fat, ugly, and worthless. She had blonde hair, pale green eyes that sometimes turned a light shade of grey, and she was described as “little”. She despised being called “little” or “tiny” or “small”.

Now, I should tell you more about Macy, seeing as we’re on the topic. She has three brothers, one sister, and one sister-in-law. Her eldest brother was 28 years old, his name was Michael. Michael had bright blue eyes and dark brown hair. His wife was 26 years old, her name was Sophie. Sophie had tan skin, brown hair, and dark brown eyes, almost black. They were expecting a baby soon. A boy! Next was her sister, Tiffany who was 18 years old and away at college. Her sister was beautiful. With her brown hair, brown/green eyes and flawless tan skin. Macy wished she could look like her sister. Next was Mark, her seventeen year old brother. As you know, they don’t have a good relationship. He abuses her emotionally and sometimes physically. Yet, she didn’t have the guts to tell anyone, yet. Mark had dark brown hair and brown eyes. Next up, was 15 year old Tristan. He had blonde hair, similar to hers, but he had pretty brown eyes. All her siblings were very outgoing and athletic, but she often wondered how she could be as perfect as them. And it took a major toll on herself. Macy also had a boyfriend. His name was Noah. Macy and Noah had been friends since they were nearly three years old. He asked her out a few months ago, people always told them they were the “perfect, popular, powerful” couple. But Macy thought otherwise. She knew she wasn’t perfect nor was she popular, and she didn’t understand the powerful part. Macy has some issues, as I shall call them. She has OCD, Insomnia, and Anxiety. There isn’t anything wrong with having those, unless you Macy, you think otherwise. She was also considered “underweight” and she was 4’10. She got teased a lot for that. But as much as she tried, she couldn’t change that, since it was very unchangeable. Macy was dedicated to sports, school, music, and her friends + family. Sports were how she could release her stress. School was something she pressured herself into trying to perfect in. Music was how she survived everyday life. And her friends and family were who she was always with, whether she wanted to be or not. It wasn’t her choice.

As she looked into the mirror she started crying. What have I turned into? Macy thought to herself. I’m worthless. She decided to go find Tristan. Tristan was practically her best friend, she loved him.

“Tristan?” She called out into the empty hallway. She started walking down into the basement. When she got there, all she could do was smile to herself. As she looked on from the stairs, into the basement, she could see Tristan and his girlfriend “wrestling”. Yeah, he has a girlfriend. She’s beautiful. Her name was Bailee. Bailee had long blonde hair, and sparkling blue eyes. She was about half a foot shorter than Tristan. They made an adorable couple. Sitting on the couch next to the stairwell was Tristan’s friend, Louis. Louis and Macy had a bad history. In August, they both admitted to liking each other, a lot. And all they would do was flirt. Perhaps too much? Anyways, she fell for him, hard. And he actually caught her! In November 2011, they started dating. They had a lot of fun together! Considering they’ve known each other for about ten years. But then at the end of November Louis broke up with her. For an awful reason. Then he started spreading rumors about Macy, and told people he was going to do something horrible to her. She was afraid of Louis, making Tristan sleep on her bed room floor every night to “protect” her. Then Louis did something even worse. He touched her. And tried to do something to Macy. But Macy fought him, and was ok. After that, Tristan and Louis stopped being friends, but then somehow they’re best friends again. Pathetic.

“Hey, Macy.” Louis waved. They were “good” now.

“Sup?” Macy nodded towards him.

“Watching them touch each other.” He pointed to my brother who was now on top of Bailee. They were laughing and looked so happy.

“Ah, I see. So, Tristan, can Noah come over?” Macy asked her older brother who was “baby sitting” me for the afternoon.

“Yeah, sure.” He responded as he bent his neck down to kiss Bailee. PDA much? Macy grabbed her phone and texted Noah telling him to come over. He said yeah, that he’d be over in a few.

“Noah is coming over?” Louis asked with disgust on his face. Noah and Louis never got along. Macy never knew why. They both just said they didn’t like each other because the other one didn’t like that one. In other words, it’s stupid and complicated.

“Ring! Ring!” The doorbell rang, and Macy ran from the basement to the main floor.

“NOAH!” She sang and hugged him, he always smelt good.

“Hey cutie.” He laughed. He had an amazing laugh. He hugged her back, putting one hand on her back and the other on her stomach. Why? She had no clue. Maybe a tummy fetish? She probably won’t ever know.

“Let’s go down stairs, everyone’s down there.” Macy walked in front of Noah; who obviously took that chance to stare at her ass. Noah was a good kid though. And to most, attractive. He had light brown hair, brown eyes just like Justin Bieber’s eyes and tan Italian skin. He was a bit short for being an 8th grade boy. He was about 5’2-5’3. Taller than Macy, but shorter than most of his friends. He was a good boyfriend, always there for her. Lucky girl, right?

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