Beautiful Soul (Chapter 2)

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Now let’s fast forward a bit, to February, 21st, 2012. For most kids in this town its winter break! Many are spending it skiing in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, others go into the city for ice skating, and some stay home and kick back and relax with friends. Most people enjoy this time because there isn’t any school and they get to do anything they’d like!

“BEEP!’ BEEP!” Macy’s alarm clock on her phone woke her up at 8:30 a.m. She yawned and sat up. She got off her zebra printed sheets, made her bed, and started to walk towards the bathroom. Once she was there she faced her back to the three-sided mirror and lifted the back of her shirt.

“One, two, and two and a half” Macy sighed as she counted her bruises from when Mark had pushed her into the wall a week ago. She shook her head in shame. Why do I let him do this to me? Shouldn’t I stand up for myself? But what happens if I do? Macy thought to herself.

“Mace, are you up?” Someone yelled from the stairway.

“Uh…yeah, why? What’s up, mom?” Macy hollered back to her mother. She quickly fixed her shirt and opened the bathroom door.

“Your hair appointment is at 10:00 a.m., so get ready please, sweetie” her mom smiled at her daughter. They didn’t look much alike. Actually, they looked like strangers. It was really weird.

“Alright, mom.” Macy walked back into her room and picked out some clothes to wear. Just jeans and an Under Armour shirt, nothing fancy. Then she quickly tied up her hair in a messy bun, brushed her teeth and did her make up. By the time that was done, it was already time to leave.

Once her hair was done, Macy was ecstatic! She was so happy, she thought it looked great. It was defiantly shorter than usual, but she liked it!

“Honey, it’s beautiful!” Mrs. Phoenix told her daughter.

“Thanks.” Macy smiled into the car mirror. She actually felt good about herself for once. And that did not happen a lot, and when it did, it rarely lasted. As they pulled into the driveway Mrs. Phoenix turned to her daughter,

“I have to run to the store, do you want to come? Or do you want to stay here?”

“Um, I’ll stay here.” Macy got out of the car. She ran into the house expecting Tristan or some of his friends to be there. But there was nobody in the living room, kitchen, or the den.

“Where’s mom?” Mark came out of nowhere, nearly giving Macy a heart attack.

“Oh, she had to run to the store.” Before Macy could barely finish that one, simple sentence, Mark had her pinned against the wall.

“You think you’re so strong, why don’t you try to fight me off?” He glared at her.  But the thing was, she didn’t think that. She never thought that. Not physically nor emotionally.

“I never said that.” Macy cringed as she was being held up fiercely against the tanned wall. She had her head facing sideways, with her eyes closed. This is one of the scariest moments of her life. What’s he going to do to me? She thought to herself. And immediately started praying. She never thought she’d have to pray to get her brother to stop hurting her all the time. And ask anyone who knows him, Mark isn’t some little skinny kid. He was 5’8 or so, and he played football and hockey. I mean, he was seventeen, for God’s sake!

Macy didn’t see the next thing coming, he punched her. Right into her rib cage. Tears started watering down her face, her face turned red. How much longer can she take this?

“That was for being an ugly bitch.” Mark chuckled and let go of his little, helpless sister. There, he left her on the floor, once again, crying. Macy jumped up as quickly as she could with hurting herself and ran to her room. She slammed the door shut and locked it. Macy got under her covers in her bed and fell asleep. She never wanted to wake up again. She couldn’t take anymore. 

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