Beautiful Soul (Chapter 5)

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“Should I cut?” Macy looked at herself in the mirror, mascara running down her face, hair messy like a rat’s nest, and face as red as a tomato. She reached for the blade. “I don’t know what to do.” Macy had a hard day. She was upset, annoyed, mad, and most of all, stressed to the limit of her capacity. She was holding the razor in her hand now. And as soon as a blink of an eye, her wrist was a stream of blood. She took deep breaths, in and out. In and out. In and out. In and out. Over and over again until she could finally see straight again. She washed up the pool of blood and mess she made and left to go to her bedroom.

“Yo.” Mark was standing there when she got out of the bathroom. She wasn’t in the mood for anything from him. So she ignored him and walked by him. But, he followed her.

“What do you want?!” She turned around and screamed. Before she could move out of the way, Mark slapped her across the face, leaving a red hand print. “Ow.” Macy shrieked in pain. After that, Mark walked away. Once again, leaving his little sister crying. It seems as if she has no control over anything anymore. She was sick of it. She ran to her bedroom and hid in there, until she heard a knock on her door.

“Who is it?” Macy grumbled. She wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone.

“Hey beautiful.” Her older sister Tiffany walked in.

“TIFFANY!” Macy ran to her older sister. Tiffany picked up Macy and spun her around. “I missed you!” Macy smiled a toothy smile.

“I know, I missed you too buddy. I’m going to go say hi to Mark and Tristan.” Tiffany hugged her sister one more time and then left the room. That just about made Macy’s night a lot better. And all of a sudden it got better,

“Hey!” Noah came in and wrapped his arms around Macy.

“Hi Noah! I didn’t know you were coming?” She questioned this odd situation.

“Yeah my mom is here for your mom’s dinner party or whatever.”  

“Shit that’s tonight? I totally forgot! No wonder your all dressed up!” She looked at Noah. He was dressed in khaki pants and a plaid shirt, probably from Abercrombie. His hair was also combed and spiked up in the front. One thing that made Macy giggle was that he was all dressed up, yet wearing his Nike’s.

“What’s so funny?” Noah squished his eyebrows together.

“Nothing! Dude! I have to go get dressed and stuff, so leave and come back in like 20 minutes.” Macy urged him.

“How about I just stay.” Noah winked at Macy.

“Nice try, bro. Now, bye-bye for now!” She laughed and closed the door.

“Now what should I wear?” Macy talked aloud to herself. She walked over to her closet and pulled out a navy blue Abercrombie Kid’s skirt, a white cardigan and a fancy navy blue cami to go underneath the cardigan. She quickly changed and went over to fix her make up.

“Perfect.” She sighed and went over to the door to let Noah in. But right when she opened it Alex, Noah’s adorable 8 year-old sister ran in and attack-hugged Macy.

“HI MACY!” Alex squealed with happiness.

“What’s up, gorgeous?” Noah came in after, greeting Macy. Macy looked at Noah and smiled and then hugged Alex.

“Is Nicole here?” Macy asked Noah and Alex. Nicole was Noah and Alex’s sister who was Tristan’s age.

“Yeah she’s with Tristan and his friends!” Alex answered her with her big blue eyes opened as wide as possible.

“Oh, cool.” Macy started having a flashback to earlier when they were all so disrespectful to her.

“Can we eat now?” Noah whined.

“Yeah alright, kid. Let’s go.” Macy held Alex as she walked down the stairs, with Noah right behind them. Once they got down stairs, the air filled with an aroma of pastas, meats, and desserts.

“Oh my gosh this smells so good!” Alex squirmed out of Macy’s arms and ran to find food. Noah and Macy stared into each other’s eyes and smiled. Maybe this night will turn around for Macy.

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