Beautiful Soul (Chapter 6)

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Later that same night, also the last non-school night of vacation, Noah and Macy were up in Macy’s room hanging out together.

“Want to play the blind fold game?!” Noah enthusiastically asked. Macy nodded and got up to go find a bandana to use as the blindfold.

The blindfold game was a game Macy, Noah, and their siblings had made up when they were younger. The object of the game was to pretty much “treasure hunt” with a blindfold over your eyes. One person (or people) will tell the person with the blindfold on to go find a particular object. For example, sometimes Macy would tell Noah to go find a pillow. Then, Noah will secure the blindfold on and go look for a pillow. You pretty much have to know where things are in the room or place your playing in.

“Here you go first!” Macy handed Noah the blue and white bandana. He quickly tied it. And to make sure he couldn’t see anything, Macy moved her hand around quickly in front of his eyes. It was all good!

“What do you want me to find?” Noah asked, nearly walking into the pink night stand next to Macy’s bed.

“Hmm. How about….a pair of jeans, in my room.” She thought she could trick him because she was almost positive he didn’t know where she kept her jeans.

“Alright. Bring it, b!tch!” Noah joked.

“Hey!” Macy offensively said.

“I’m just kidding, lovely.” Noah reassured her as he started walking slowly. All of a sudden Macy’s eyes opened wide as he opened the closet where she kept all her pants. How’d he know that?! She wondered to herself. And he reached in and quickly grabbed a pair of dark jeans.

“Here you go, babe.” He said in a voice that said, I-Told-You-I-Could-Do-It-So-Take-That!

“Wow! How’d you know where I kept my jeans?!” She exclaimed.

“Phst. Practice.” Noah winked.

“You’re such a creep sometimes!” Macy giggled. “My turn!” Macy took the bandana off of Noah and placed it on herself.

“Ok. First, go to the door.” Noah instructed. Macy perfectly made it over to the door without a problem.

“Now what?” She asked.

“Now, come to me, follow my voice.” She did as he said, and got over to where he was, sitting on her bed. “Now hold my hands.” She felt for his hands and then held them close to her. And before she could ask what’s next, he picked her up by the waist and placed her on his lap so that her legs were on the bed, she was facing him, and her feet were behind him. And then, he kissed her!

“WHOA!” Their sweet kissing moment was rapidly interrupted by someone looking in from the door, which was closed just a second ago. Macy quickly ripped off the bandana, and hopped off Noah’s lap.

“Oh, hey Tristan.” Macy blushed. She was just caught kissing with her boyfriend by her very on, over-protective brother.

“I’m not going to ask. Well, I am, but not right now.” Tristan said and then walked away shaking his head.

“Don’t mind him!” Macy told Noah. Even though Noah has known Tristan for pretty much ten years, he was still nervous to mess up around Tristan. He knew if he didn’t treat Macy with respect, Tristan would ruin him.

“Alright, so, where were we?” Noah winked and grabbed Macy by the waist again. And quickly kissed her deeply. “Love you, lovely.” Noah whispered to Macy.

“I love you too, buddy!” Macy responded with a smile. “Let’s go get more food. I’m starved!” Macy led Noah down the stairs and into the kitchen, which was now quite empty, not including the few stragglers who were still munching. Mostly everyone was in the living room chatting.

“YES THERE ARE CANNOLIS LEFT!” Noah cheered. He quickly grabbed tow and placed them on napkins. One for himself, and one for Macy.

“Yum!” They sang in unison as they bit down on their cannolis.

Although today may have been an awful, rough, stressful day for Macy, tonight defiantly made up for it.

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