Beautiful soul (Chapter 4)

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After the movie, Macy’s brother, Tristan, had some of his friends over. Most of them were mean to her. She didn’t know why they had to be so cruel! The uttermost thing they have said to her made her cry non-stop. Did big brother Tristan swoop in and save the day? Sort of. He loves his sister dearly, but he doesn’t think what his friends are doing is that bad. From making sexual comments to her to just “kidding” with her, they always make her feel worse about herself. But why? Some say they like her. Others say they’re just being teenage boys. She just thinks they don’t like her.

“Hey Macy want to come in the hot tub with us?” Jason, when of Tristan’s friends, asked Macy.  She had to think about it for a second. If she went, she’d have to wear a bathing suit in front of a bunch of 14-16 year old guys. If she didn’t well she’d regret it, because she really needed to relax and the hot tub always helped.

“Sure.” Macy answered.

There was a hot tub outside and a hot tub inside. They were going to use the outdoor one. The outdoor one was surrounded by marble rocks and green grass. Well technically not green grass; it was February with no snow, so the grass was a yellow-brown color. Macy walked outside with a tower wrapped tightly around her to protect her from the blasting winter wind.

“Come in Macy!” Some of Tristan’s friends urged her. She didn’t want to. Now she was actually regretting say yes.

“DO IT JASON!” Some of the friends in the hot tub yelled and before she could turn around to see what they were talking about, Jason had ripped off her towel and Macy was now standing there in nothing but a bikini.


“You’re flat.”

“You’re really skinny. Maybe too skinny.”

“Aw you’re so little!”

Those were some of the things she heard his friends shout her way as she stood there, face as red as a fire truck and limbs as numb as the people in Antarctica. Then Tristan finally came out.

“Whoa why are you crying?” He asked his now crying little sister. He looked at his friends who were laughing. He squinted his eyes , “What did you guys do to her?”

“Yo bro, nothing!” One of the boys yelled. Tristan hugged Macy and whispered to her saying,

“Are you ok”

“Yeah I’ll be fine. I’m tired, I’m going to go inside and take a shower.” Macy sighed and walked inside. She was angry, why do they do this to her? That was the only question she had. She tried not to feel sorry for herself because she knows that it could be way worse. But she also wishes she could be respected.

“Ring. Ring.” The house phone rang. Macy ran to it, making sure she’ll get it in time. It was her dad! He was on a business trip and she hadn’t talked to him for a week.

“Hi daddy!” She squealed.

“Hello Macy. How’s it going?” He sounded stressed. He had been stressed even before he left.

“It’s alright! What have you been up to lately?” Macy was so excited to talk to her dad, but it seemed as if he didn’t want to talk to her.

“Just business stuff. So buddy, is your mother there?”  He asked, quickly trying to end their conversation.

“She’s doing errands, but she should be home any moment, I’ll have her call you back because she let her cell phone at home.” Macy offered.

“Ok, thanks pal. I got to go. Now you have a good afternoon, bye sweetie.” Her dad abruptly hung up his end of the phone and Macy sat there. She sat there thinking, “Why didn’t he want to talk to me?” Whatever. She was going to see Tiffany tomorrow maybe she could talk about it with her. She missed her big sister! They text sometimes, but her sister was usually way too busy for her. Kind of like everyone else.

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