Chapter 6

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FINALLY!! We're home.

I couldn't wait to just flop down on the couch and watch a movie or something.

I scrolled through the channels and decided to watch a horror film. I can't remember the name of it but apparently it's really scary, just the way I like it.

Just as I'm about to press play, the door opens again and here enters Liam.

"Yo Liam you've been out for like hours! Where you been?" I ask.

"Yeah I was with Corrine..." Liam explained, looking upset.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, me and Corrine we just.."

"You just what?"

"We aren't right for each other anymore."


"So she broke up with me."

I jump up and give him a comforting hug. I whisper comforting words into his ear until I notice that his pants have grown a few inches.

Is my whispering really turning him on? Hehe, here comes another fight with Zach and Parker.

I continue to hug him and I invite him onto the couch to watch the horror movie.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the other boys went down to the pub, as usual.

Liam and I cuddle on the sofa whilst we watch the horror movie and every time a jump scare come on, I jump closer to him. I don't move away from him either because he needs me and when I watch a horror, I need him.

We need each other right now. What am I saying? I'm loosing it again, I don't have feeling for any of the boys and even if I did, it wouldn't work out. If I went out with one of the boys, I'm sure another would get jealous and then friendships are ruined and it would all be my fault.

Anyway, another jump scare made me jump so hard that I head butted Liam on his lip.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry!" I say, whilst rubbing away the blood.

He smiles as I clean his wound. When the blood finally stops I inspect the wound.

"It looks better now, it'll heal soon." I say

"Am I allowed to kiss anyone?" Liam asks

"Well I suppose, as long as it's gentle."

He leans in to me and I quickly realise what he meant. He kissed my lips passionately and I kissed him back, with enough pressure so that it wouldn't hurt the wound but it would still be a decent kiss.

After what seemed like hours he pulled away. I was speechless. Liam just kissed me. It felt goooood. Damnit I'm doing it again, I can't fall for anyone yet!

"You're lips are gentle so I suppose my wound is ok." Liam whispers. It sent shivers down through my body, the good kind of shiver, not the one you get when you're cold.

I smile at him and we continue to cuddle and watch the movie, like nothing even happened.


Who do you guys want to be with Scarlett?!?

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