Chapter 22

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Scarlett POV

A game, really? Actually, the last game I played was truth or dare and I quite enjoyed that.

I head downstairs to see the game that was set up.

There was blocks, in a pile, forming a small tower.

"JENGA!" Brayden says as I enter.

"Jenga?" I ask, confused.

"Yeah.. Have you never played jenga before?"

"No, how do you play?"

"Well, the usual way to play it is each person takes a block from the tower and tries not to knock it down, but my way is more fun."


"Each block of jenga has a task for the person who has taken it."

"Sounds intriguing."

A few moments later, Parker enters, closely followed by Nathan.

Nathan must have told Parker what was going on as he sat down and we begun.

I was first, obviously, so I pulled out a block.

It said 'tell someone when your birthday is'

I don't have a birthday though!

I turn to Brayden and whisper "I don't know when my birthday is."

He turned to me, speechless and in shock.

Next was Brayden.

His block read 'chug half a bottle of beer and give the rest to someone else to chug'

He hurried into the kitchen and got a bottle of beer.

He bit the cap off and chugged half of the bottle.

He did it in like 7 seconds, clearly he'd done this before.

He looked around the room, trying to figure out who he can choose.

Please not me, please not me, please not me...

"Here you go, Scarlett." He said, smiling.

I grabbed the half-filled bottle and chugged it.

They all cheered when I held the empty bottle over my head. My chug was totally faster than Brayden's.

Then there was Parker.

His block said explain to the group how,when, why and who you lost your virginity to

"Well, I was 16 at the time, it was my birthday, I went down to a strip club and got absolutely smashed. Then, I don't really remember what happened, I'm sure she had long brown hair, though, she looked a bit like Scarlett."

Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap...

"Scarlett you look worried, is there something you wanna share?" Nathan asked

"Erm..well.." I stuttered.

"Oh my gosh, no way.." Parker said.

"How did you lose your virginity Scarlett?" Brayden asked, interested.

"Well, I was at work, I was 16, I am forced to get drunk to do my job, I went home with this guy and we got it on." I explained.

"No way..." Parker started.

"Oh my gosh." Nathan said.

"You were a stripper?" Brayden asked.

"Unfortunately, yes." I replied.

After a long conversation that is way too dirty for me to explain, it was Nathan's turn.

His block said who do you have a crush on in this room and why

"Well, there's only Scarlett who is a girl so I'm going to go with her. I like the way she smiles, the way her hair flows down her back and the way she laughs at my jokes, even though they're not funny." He explains, looking at me the whole time.

After a few more hours of 'jenga' we were all drunk so we headed back off to our rooms.

Brayden shut the door behind us and walked over to me.

"You seriously lost your virginity to Parker?" He asked.

"Yeah, but *hiccup* I've never done it with anyone else *hiccup* before" I slur.

"Well, we can change that then.."

He then pushed me up against the far wall and latched his lips onto mine. I was drunk so I didn't know what I was doing. I kissed him back.

He grabbed the back of my head to deepen the kiss. We then, without breaking the kiss, made our way over to his bed.

The rest, I don't remember...

The next morning I woke up in Brayden's bed, completely naked.

Oh crap!

"Brayden!" I whisper loudly.

"Hey babe." He responds, sleepily.

"What happened last night?"

"We played jenga, got drunk, made out and then had some fun."

"Please tell me you're joking."

"I'm not, you were sure enjoying yourself last night."

"I was drunk, I couldn't control myself.."

"I know, I was to."

"Then how do you remember what happened?"

"I had 5 bottles, you had 9."

"Can you do me a favour and look away whilst I get dressed?"

"Anything for you."

He looks away and I quickly scurry off into the bathroom with my clothes in my hand and I get dressed. After I'm dressed I brush my teeth and redo my hair.

As I exit, Brayden has also got his clothes on, well, everything apart from his shirt. Damn he has a good body, and is that a six pack, I think I'm drooling...

"Are you checking me out?" He asks.

"Err..well..yes" I answer.

"I mean I don't blame you, look at these muscles."

He then tenses all of his muscles and I look him up and down.

"Do you live in a gym?" I tease.

"Well, I'm there most of the time so some might say yes to that." He answers.


-insert decent authors note here-

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