Chapter 10

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Scarlett POV

After breakfast I offer to clean up the dishes. Mitchell refuses to let me because, as I said earlier, I don't know how to work the dishwasher. It surely can't be that hard, though, all you do is press the on button, right?

"What do you guys wanna do today?" I ask.

"Let's play a game..." Zach suggests.

"We aren't three years old anymore, we don't play games."

"Then let's play a more mature game, truth or dare."

"Ok" everyone said.

Oooh, this is fun... I've never played truth or dare before. Everyone had to write down 5 truths and 5 dares and then put them into separate containers. I got a few smirks which showed me that some of the dare were aimed at me.

"Let's go in alphabetical order... Liam, Mitchell, Parker, Scarlett, Will then Zach." I say.

"Ok, truth or dare Liam?" I ask.

"Truth." He replies.

He picks out a card but doesn't read it aloud for some reason. Obviously he was hesitant of his answer.

"Out of all the boys (not Scarlett) who would I go with?" He read.

"Honestly, I don't know. All of you are derps so there is no answer." He continued

"Oh come on, there has to be at least one of them that you don't find derpy." I tempted.

"Fine, Will doesn't say much so he's half decent." Liam answered.

"Oooooh, Liam likes Will.." I teased.

"Haha, I don't swing that way.." Liam replied, smugly

"Anyways who's next?" Mitchell asked.

"You're next Mitchell, truth or dare?" I ask


He picks out a card from the dare pile and reads it aloud.

"I dare you to tweet something from the phone of anyone of your choice."

Oooh, this ones gunna be gooooooood. He looks around the room before taking Parker's phone and typing a tweet. The tweet read 'I killed Jeffrey NUUUUUU'

Parker gasped in surprise and everyone laughed. Jeffrey was literally Parker's life.

"Next on the list is Parker, truth or dare?" Zach asks.


Parker picks out a dare card.

"I dare you to tweet something from anyone's phone." He reads

Immediately he looks at me and holds out his hand. I open up my Twitter account and hand it over to him. He types #scarker. Really Parker?! By the way, if you didn't get, that it's our ship name.

"So next on the list is me!" I say, excitedly.

"Truth or dare, babe?" Liam asked.

"Dare, I'm feeling fiendishly excited about this."

I pick out a dare card and read it in my head before expressing it to the group.

"Kiss the prettiest person in the room."

Everyone stared at me, hopefully. I didn't know what to do, whoever I kiss, someone is bound to get jealous. You know what, who do I think is the most aesthetically pleasing? To be honest, I think Will is the hottest but I don't really wanna kiss him. Well, I've already kissed Liam so I might as well go for him again.

I turn to Liam, who is sitting next to me, and I kiss him for about 3 seconds. Out of all the people I've kissed, he's definitely the best kisser. Well, he's also the only person I've kissed but if I tell him that then he'll probably get big headed.

Then it was Will's turn. He chose truth and he had to say what he was going to do for Valentine's Day this year. He said that he was going to do nothing as he didn't have anyone to spend Valentine's Day with.

After a few awwwws for Will, it was then Zach's turn. He chose dare and he had the same dare as me, to kiss the prettiest person in the room.

"Well, there's only one girl in the room sooo..." Zach stated as he crawled over to me.

He kissed me for about 5 seconds, so I think he was trying to prove his worth.

His kisses aren't as good as Liam's if I'm completely honest, yet Liam has had more practise than Zach.

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