Chapter 31

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Song is Demons by Imagine Dragons. It's my fav song ATM. I was thinking that Scarlett and Will could do a beast duet to this. You can figure out who sings which parts between Will and Scarlett.


Scarlett POV

"Stop trying, Will, you can't get in here." I say.

"Scarlett, please don't do this." He shouts at me.

"I can't be here any longer."

"You have to, I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Leave me alone."

"I can't, Scarlett, I love you."



"I hate you right now."

I open the door and turn my back on him. He enters and hugs me.

"What are you doing?" Will asks.

"I don't want to be here anymore." I answer, shrugging to get out of his grip.

"You can't just leave like that."

"But I wanted to."


"They're all downstairs, arguing over me."

"They always do though."

"I know, but if I'm not here then they won't."

"That's no reason to end your life."

"I think it's pretty valid."

Will grabs the bandage from under the sink and wraps it round my wrist.

"You can't leave us." He says.

"I have to" I reply.

He also grabs a towel and places it over my stomach.

"Why did you cut your stomach?"

"Well, do you remember when I went to visit Nathan and Brayden."

"I have a feeling I know where this is going."

"Well, one night I got really drunk and.."

"And what?"

"Brayden and I, well, you know.."

"Brayden? Why him?"

"I'd had 9 bottles of beer that night, I didn't know what I was doing. I can't really remember much about that night either."

"So, he took your virginity?"

"What makes you think I was a virgin?"

"Oh, I thought you were.."

"No, I lost my virginity when I was 16."


"Do you remember when I first moved into this place and I always went out on a night?"


"Well, I went to work on a night. I worked at the strip club."

"No way!"

"Yeah, and I got drunk and went home with.."

"Who with?"



"Yeah, he visited on his birthday and took me home with him."

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