My Saviour: The Aftermath (Snazzy x Xahji)

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Snazzy knocks at the door of the AfterDeath's home. He just took Xahji to her house. He noticed that along the way, she was clinging to him like she's pasted to him with a super glue. She won't even let go.

A few moments later, a very worried Geno opened the door.

"Xahji! My angel! I'm glad you are safe!" Geno rushed to hug his daughter but she just hid behind Snazzy. Her grip on his arm got tighter. This made Geno stop in his tracks.

"Xahji? It's just me... Your dad? Geno? Don't you recognize me?" He is slowly going to Xahji.

"Xahji.... You need to go to your dad. You need to go home...." Snazzy said, concern laced in his voice.

Xahji whimpered just clinged to him more.

"Xahji...." Snazzy said, almost like a kid whining. ALMOST.

Geno sighed. "Thanks for bringing her home, anyways. We were really worried."

"No problem, Mr. Geno. Just did what is right."

Geno nodded."I need to know the whole story. Come in."

"Thanks, Mr. Geno." He entered the house with Xahji tailing behind him. He entered the house and was amazed at the flowers that are in different vases.

"Sit down on the couch as I get us snacks. Do you want anything, Sweetie?" Geno asked Xahji but she just shook her head.

"Keep my daughter company, will you?"

"Of course." As Snazzy waited, Xahji won't let him go and just leans on Snazzy all the time. "Xahji, you would need to let go of me sooner or later."

She just shook her head. "No."

Snazzy just sighed at that.

Just then, Reaper and Goth entered the house. "Xahji! I thought we lost you!"

Reaper rushed to Xahji and stopped when he saw Snazzy. "Oh. It appears we have a guest. Are you Xahji's friend?"

Friend? How could they be friends if the most times they meet is they just fight.

"And by the way I see her lean to you, I can say that you are more than that." Snazzy blushed at that statement. "Are you her boyfriend?" He was definitely NOT expecting that question.

"I- I uhmm... Uh.... I'm no-"

"So you are dating my sister now, huh?" Goth cut him off before he could even say a full sentence.

"No! You got it all wrong! I'm not he-"

"It's ready!"

Geno cut him off and presented a bowl of cookies.

"Here. I thought it would be a good way to relax by eating cookies. And it seems that my Husband and son have arrived. Huh? Why are you blushing?" He just doesn't know what to say to them.

"Dad, it seems like he is my sister's boyfriend."

"Uh-huh! Just look at the way our daughter clings to him."

"I knew it! I had my suspicion the moment I saw you two at my front door."

"Please, let's just change the subject? We need to think about Xahji here."

The room suddenly fell silent.

"Yeah... What happened anyways? We couldn't reach her a while ago."

"Dad called me when he said that it's been 1 and a half hour since her cerfew. We tried to call her but she didn't answer so we decided to go to the police to report."

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