Chapter Five: Don't Worry, I Brought A Camera

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Chapter Five:  Don't Worry, I Brought A Camera


I held my hand over Lucas's eyes, mind you, 5'4 to 6'0 isn't the easiest. I walked him down the street, struggling to keep his eyes covered. I promised I would show him my new painting last week at his mother's party, and here we are, headed to my studio.

"Are we there yet?" Lucas whined. I pinched his arm, silencing his complaining.

We made it to the studio and I pulled open the door, don't ask how because I don't even know.

"I'm going to move away. Please don't peek." I whispered and slowly pulled my hand away from his face. I jogged over to the covered canvas, listening to the sound of my boots hitting the wooden floors.

I grabbed the edge of the sheet, "When I get down to one, open your eyes." I was excited. He nodded, a confused look gracing his features. Oh god he looked adorable.

"Okay.!" I yanked the sheet off of the canvas as Lucas opened his eyes. He blinked a few times before his jaw dropped open. He studied the picture before looking to me.

"Is this.." I nodded excitedly, "It's me. Well, us, but me?" He mumbled, waking closer to me. I stepped in front of the painting as he moved to my side.

I looked to the painting with a smile. It was the day we had first met. It was of my back, in just my tee. There was some light coming down, perfectly illuminating Lucas's face, who was stood on the other side of the screen door. In the painting, he was smiling at me, that lopsided one, you know?  I stood slightly to the right with a hand on my hip, my hair flowing loosely down my back.

I looked over to find Lucas already staring at me, "This is fucking amazing!" He exclaimed, pulling my body to him. I giggled and shrugged, it wasn't that nice.

"I mean I guess." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands instantly went around my waist, holding me securely.

"Are you serious? That's gorgeous. I love it." He leaned down and began kissing me gently. Before I could deepen the kiss, Lucas pulled back with a smirk.

"I have a surprise for you. Well, not exactly a materialistic thing but-"

I laughed and cut him off, "What is it Lucas?" He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the studio, pausing long enough so I could lock the before we were off again.

The sidewalks were covered by piles of leaves here and there, and the trees were mostly bare. We continued walking, Lucas had slowed down and we were now just walking side by side, our hands intertwined. I took time to admire the scenery. The day was a little more bleak than most, gray clouds covering the sky.  There was still an abundance of people walking around, but it was nice. I glanced over at Lucas, who had stopped to watch a street performer.

His brown hair was messy as usual, and a tad bit longer. He wore a gray hoodie with a dark blue shirt underneath, and a pair of faded jeans. He attempted to convince me to match with him today, begging me to wear my black and white Converse. His apparel was much different than mine, which consisted of an oversized white tee, a black infinity scarf, some leggings, and my brown ankle boots.

"Lucas. Hey, pretty boy!" He turned and looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "What did you want to show me?" He held up on finger and dug around in his pocket. He yanked out his wallet and handed the guy a fifty, telling him that, he better see him big some day.

"Okay, let's head back to the house and I'll explain on the way." We made our way back to his jeep, with seven minutes to spare on the meter.


"Lucas! Please tell me!" I begged for probably the fifth time.

"You can stop asking because we're here." He laughed, pulling off to the side of the road. I've read enough books to know that he's not actually going to kill me, so I don't bother asking and just get out of the vehicle. At least I hope not.

I stand by a little path and wait as he grabs a bag and blanket from the back seat.

"Let's go beautiful." He takes my hand and we walk through the trees. It was really pretty out here.

We soon made our way out and that's when I noticed that the ground just suddenly ended. He brought us to a cliff. And it was amazing.

"Say cheese!" I spun around, realizing that Lucas was pointing a camera at me. I smiled widely and waited until I heard a click before I moved again.

We spent most of the time just talking, taking photos, and kissing. It was perfect. Of course time had flown by rather quickly, and now we were currently huddled together underneath the blanket, watching the night sky. Our feet no longer dangled over the edge as we had scooted back some.

Lucas cleared his throat and I turned my body slightly toward him.

"I know we aren't teenagers, but I want to ask you anyway. I want you to know I'm serious. About this, about us. So Lynn, will you officially be my girlfriend?" He said quickly, his face turning a light pink from what I could see.

I tapped a finger to me chin, pretending to think about it. "I guess." I joked, giggling as his expression fell.

"I'm kidding! I'm already yours loser!" I threw myself at him, but he just turned away. I huffed and held back more giggled.

"Lucas. Lucaaaasss!" I sang, wrapping my arms around his torso. He leaned back, but I had most of my weight on him and we unexpectedly fell to the side before landing on our backs. We both erupted into loud laughter, scaring a few birds, who fly away from the trees, rustling several leaves in the process.

I turned my head to find him already gazing at me with a soft smile. He was a masterpiece, one I could just paint forever. I will definitely be painting this moment. The cars flying by on the road not too far away. The tall trees hiding the birds and other creatures. The large moon, casting light on a couple, faces only inches away.

He was perfect. This moment was perfect.

Please don't come chasing after me with spears, pitchforks, and other murderous weapons!
I know I just up and disappeared, but my data got shut off and I had no wifi! I'm sorry! I'll be updating again tomorrow or Wednesday due to the fact school has started.

Until the next,


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